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Cairo Jax Nightclub - Memories Required !!

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This has brought back some real memories! I used to go to Cairo Jax (and Silks beforehand) in the early 90's with my then best friend Jen. We used to go every Friday and Saturday, plus most Wednesdays to the student night which was called The Curious Orange Club. God knows how we could afford to go out so often!


I remember the DJ in the Cairos side well but can't recall his name, although the guy who did the lighting in there was called David Gibson and looked exactly like Chesney Hawkes. I had a massive crush on him at the time as I was really into Chesney back in the day (well I was only in my teens!).


Had some fab times there. I have photos somewhere but would have no idea how to upload them (plus everyone would see my dodgy 90's hair, lol!).


K x

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I remember three of the bouncers, big T, little T, n spanner.


Spanner, lol, hes still around. He works for me and even works at the forum in the evenings and weekends (although not at the moment due to a injury).


C'mon Spanner get back to work :rant::D

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Hey Knighty how the devil are ya?? where are the photo's?

Hi Ian,


How are you doin? I remember you well from those heady days at Cairos. Still some of the best days of my life.

You came in just before Paul (and eventually me) left.

I remember the day i came in to clear my own records out as if it were yesterday.

At the time i remember being really gutted that the management hadn't offered me the residency but i don't think i held it against you.

It just grated slightly that i had been Paul's right hand man for the best part of 3 years and yet they didn't even consider me.......I don't think i was that crap a DJ, was I????

I virtually did the whole of one New Years Eve because Paul was so drunk he couldn't work the decks.

Anyhow, after i left Paul did offer me a residency at a club in Bradford but i decided it wasn't for me. At the time you could have cut me in half and Cairos would have been written through me....Other gigs didn't interest me. Probably the wrong decision looking back, but hey.

Tristan, remember him, tried to persuade me to come back to Silks but i didn't accept after having a bit of a scrap with a lad called Shaun who worked on the bar in Silks.

I don't DJ knowadays unfortunately. Last gig was around 1992 but miss it like hell.

I got married to a girl i met in Cairos not long after leaving but am divorced from her with 2 kids (18 and 16). I remarried (not to her though) in 2004 and have a 20 month old son.


I still have some tapes that we used to record direct from the decks in Cairos and one of them does feature yourself as DJ. My next project is to transfer them to CD somehow.


I do recall Paul Kinsey. Like you say, a top bloke and great manager....unlike the regional guy Tony Spragg. Also remember JO JO, the Lady Jay and Louise.

God, they were good times.

Do you know of Paul's whereabouts these days??


I will attempt to get those photos uploaded but the scanner is a little temperamental at present. Keep an eye out for them.


Take Care

Steve Knight

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