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Cairo Jax Nightclub - Memories Required !!

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I'm working on a book, centering on Cairo's and Roxy's and some of the bars of Sheffield around that time.


I've been working on it for a while, and need some more details of the time, the people etc




Sounds like an interesting venture. Always happy to recall those great times.


Steve K.............Ian Alvey is also another good source for memories.

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My personal e-mail is scknight59@hotmail.com which would probably be quicker than going through this forum.

Sounds like an interesting venture. Always happy to recall those great times.


Steve K.............Ian Alvey is also another good source for memories.


Didn't want to leave my phone number etc for all to view, but if you contact me through my personal addy i'm sure we can sort something.



Steve K.

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Hi Ian,


How are you doin? I remember you well from those heady days at Cairos. Still some of the best days of my life.

You came in just before Paul (and eventually me) left.

I remember the day i came in to clear my own records out as if it were yesterday.

At the time i remember being really gutted that the management hadn't offered me the residency but i don't think i held it against you.

It just grated slightly that i had been Paul's right hand man for the best part of 3 years and yet they didn't even consider me.......I don't think i was that crap a DJ, was I????

I virtually did the whole of one New Years Eve because Paul was so drunk he couldn't work the decks.

Anyhow, after i left Paul did offer me a residency at a club in Bradford but i decided it wasn't for me. At the time you could have cut me in half and Cairos would have been written through me....Other gigs didn't interest me. Probably the wrong decision looking back, but hey.

Tristan, remember him, tried to persuade me to come back to Silks but i didn't accept after having a bit of a scrap with a lad called Shaun who worked on the bar in Silks.

I don't DJ knowadays unfortunately. Last gig was around 1992 but miss it like hell.

I got married to a girl i met in Cairos not long after leaving but am divorced from her with 2 kids (18 and 16). I remarried (not to her though) in 2004 and have a 20 month old son.


I still have some tapes that we used to record direct from the decks in Cairos and one of them does feature yourself as DJ. My next project is to transfer them to CD somehow.


I do recall Paul Kinsey. Like you say, a top bloke and great manager....unlike the regional guy Tony Spragg. Also remember JO JO, the Lady Jay and Louise.

God, they were good times.

Do you know of Paul's whereabouts these days??


I will attempt to get those photos uploaded but the scanner is a little temperamental at present. Keep an eye out for them.


Take Care

Steve Knight

Hi Steve

Thanks for the reply, I have to say you have jogged my memory, and names are being put to faces I had totally forgotten.

I did rate Paul as a personal friend and one of the finest in the game, but found when he left it was if he had forgotten all he had worked with, thats understandable as I am just as bad. So sadly I have no idea to his whereabouts.

I would love to hear one of those tapes, the thought of hearing myself all those years ago is making me cringe (lol).

Glad to hear you are well and hope Paul is too.



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I went to both Roxy's and Cairo's quite a bit in the early - mid 90s. I would say of the two that I prefered Roxys but that was then and i am older and wiser (well older) now.


I remember Roxy's used to have a couple of dancers (I think one was called Joanne) who used to dance on stage in cycling shorts. Anyone else remember this?

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I have mixed feelings about Cairo Jax.

I've had some really good times in there,but it was also the scene of one of the most violent experiences in my life.

Back in 87-88 I was 12 or 13,there used to be an underage alcahol free club on a saturday afternoon.

I was supposed to meet a friend outside but I arrived late. My mate might have gone in or not showed,can't remember. Anyways the bouncers were'nt letting anymore in. So I was stood outside waiting for my friend to come out, when lots of kids from lots of different schools (alot older than me) started showing up. I knew a few from my school and I asked them what was going on.

Well apparently some guys from Shiregreen the week before had beaten someone up in a rasict attack,so all these older kids had come down to get them. So I was rather looking forward to a gang fight with my peers on some shiregreen racist scum. So when we got word that the shiregreen gang was coming out and there was supposed to be fifty of them,the adrenalin started pumping let me tell you as there was prob about the same outside.

Suddenly the shiregreen boys were coming up the steps with this big guy leading the way and he looked well up for it. What happened next still disturbs me to this day.

The bouncers for some reason shut the doors behind 2 of the leaders of the shiregreen gang,locking the others inside and leaving these other 2 stranded outside!! 1 of the guys had wings on his feet and ran off after only catching a couple of licks with about 10 guys chasing him off into town.

The other guy was not so fortunate.He was kicked up and down the street for about 5 mins, before having his head stomped and finally jumped on by one guy in paticular. I saw the guys head squash against the kerb,he was bleeding from the nose,mouth and ears.I saw the light go out in his eyes,he looked dead,like a manaquin or a doll.

Just then a police car came up the street,it was quickly surrounded by the mob and was attacked.The copper was terrified and reversed back the way he came very quickly,clipping someone in his haste.

Seconds later 2 riot vans burned round the corner and everyone (me included) ran off down that subway tunnel that led to the hole-in-the-road.

After that I jumped on a bus and was physically sick on the backseat.

It took me along time to get over it,I remember shaking terribly.

It was reported in the star that the guy that got stomped was on life support for 6 months before it was finally turned off,he died.

I'm sorry this is such a horrible story,but I feel it's one that should be told.

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