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Cairo Jax Nightclub - Memories Required !!

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Chipbuttie, I don't remember hearing about this, it sounds horrific.


I do remember hearing about the bouncers at the penthouse (rebels/ dollars etc, above burtons on haymarket) throwing a lad from top to bottom of the huge flight of stairs there, and leaving him paralysed.

(they also refused a friend of mine, entry, he was blind, they said he was a fire-risk... He said " You **** what?? What do you mean? You think I might spontaneously combust or summat? !!??!?!?" :roll:

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Scary Story


Bit unfair to lump that on Cairo's though ?


I sort of remember hearing about this in the papers at the time, but like you say not the fault of Cairos. The bouncers maybe should have let the others out of the club but wouldn't that have risked further injuries or even deaths?


I witnessed the odd brawl inside the club but it was usually dealt with swiftly by the staff. Always caused by some guy having far too much to drink.


Let's not dwell on the bad things........Cairos was, and always will be for me, the best club Sheffield has had.

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Hi Steve

Thanks for the reply, I have to say you have jogged my memory, and names are being put to faces I had totally forgotten.

I did rate Paul as a personal friend and one of the finest in the game, but found when he left it was if he had forgotten all he had worked with, thats understandable as I am just as bad. So sadly I have no idea to his whereabouts.

I would love to hear one of those tapes, the thought of hearing myself all those years ago is making me cringe (lol).

Glad to hear you are well and hope Paul is too.




I know what you mean about Paul. He could sometimes get wrapped up in his own little world and forget about others but he was always very good to me.

Gave me my first real break at Romeos, as it was then known, and he always put extra gigs my way.

Before he gave me a chance i was DJing for free at a local youth club with the odd fee paying gig at the Hallam Tower Hotel. He taught me so much.


That tape with you as DJ must have been one of the first nights you did in Cairos because i remember i was expecting to be recording Paul and myself but he didn't show that night and you came through from Jax to DJ in Cairos side.

I have another tape where Paul announces you as the new DJ in Jax.


All the best Steve K......Those photos should be on this site very soon.

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I'll tell you what, the DJs in those days knew how to put on a show. They always used to show you haw to do the dances for various dances with assistance from one of the professional dancing birds who were podium dancing.


I remember one night I was in there with my brother, there was a women's underwear floor show, which consisted of a show on the main dance floor with loads of women dancing a coreoagraphed routine wearing just underwear. Nothing rude it was all very classy..

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I just want to forget the place. I drank more than I could take (every time) and always ended up with a fat and ugly lass. That or they were red as a beetroot next day trying to excuse themselves for hanging rouln with that ugly bloke.:D

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That is a mad story. School rivalry was very rife in those days. One thing was for certain. That Shiregreen lot was no match for Earl Marshal. (Pitsmoor)

I remember confrontations with them at Concorde sports centre, swimming baths. They fought they were bad in packs of ten but even when 5 of us turned up, they did not want to know. Yeah Shiregreen were known red necks back in the day. God knows why because they were low lifes.

I used to go to the Saturday afternoon school discos at Romeo's and Juliets and the college parties midweek. I never saw any rivalries because I was too busy chatting up girls from other schools. That was the thing then.

The only gang I had a phobia for was the dirty skinheads on the balcony of the markets. They were vile, again very weak one on one.

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I just want to forget the place. I drank more than I could take (every time) and always ended up with a fat and ugly lass. That or they were red as a beetroot next day trying to excuse themselves for hanging rouln with that ugly bloke.:D


















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Hi Guys


OK. I have uploaded some photos from my time at Cairo Jax to the Photobucket thingy but how the hell do i upload it to the Sheffield Forum site?

It doesn't seem to want me to do that.



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