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How do I start running?

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I'd like to start running again, used to do it a long, long time ago. But I'm too scared to go on my own, not sure running round a park on my own is a smart move, well not until I have some idea where to go. I'm based in Sharrow - is there anyone I can tag along with, and who wont laugh at how unfit I am?

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I returned to running in May and have so far ran over 120 miles since then - and that includes a lay-off of nearly three weeks after I'd had a vasectomy!


Whilst I understand your not feeling safe to run in parks I'm afraid that only leaves the option of a boring treadmill in some sweaty, expensive gym. You've just got to get out there and you should be safe enough providing you stick to main paths and run before it goes dark.


I do most of my running at lunch, running up towards and around Redmires. I started on 1 mile runs, followed by a ten minute run the next day and so on. Then I moved onto a week of one mile runs which has slowly increased to where I am this week, so far 4 three mile runs, one 4 mile run (which I've just come back from) and probably another 4 or 5 miles tomorrow.


I feel fantastic! Try this website, I'm sure it'll spur you on.


Good luck!!



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try hallamshire harriers there are runners of all abilities and you will not be laughed at whatever your ability.

tuesdays 6 o clock from club headquarters at hillsdborough park or for further information ring sheffield 2218829

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Originally posted by drolnhoj

You've got some balls!:)


Was it painful? Met a guy who got flu the week he had it done and he could only just manage to mount a Shirehorse he couldn't get his legs far apart enough.

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