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Tiesto coming to Sheffield! - 5/2/10


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Not a fan then Mr Loco?? :D


Last thing I'll say is along same line - house music/DJs and the terms 'concert', 'arena' and 'seating' do not belong together. Give me small, intimate lofts/basements etc everytime. I'm afraid I wouldn't go to an arena gig if you paid me, just totally against the point (in my personal opinion, of course). It's gotta be personal and special or it's not worth doing.


Still, I'm sure it'll sell out and I'm sure the young uns will love it. Entry Level dance music has it's place because a small percentage of patrons will be encouraged to dig a little further into the music and culture, which is where many of the next generation will come from - everyone has to start somewhere I guess.


Phew! All that without mentioning how much trance makes me vomit! ;)

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Loco is exactly right, when corporate mainstream interests get involved the music side of things is dead; the only thing people who go to this event are doing is contributing to the continuing de-valuing of high-quality underground music by supporting low-quality overpriced toss.


In the last few months I've been fortunate enought to see some of the legends of EDM (Carl Crag, Derrick May and Jeff Mills) and these three have resisted the options to sell out and have continued to plug away at underground music for decades, they aren't starving but they dont charge you £33 for a ticket to an arena where you probably can't even see them never mind experience them properly first hand. Jeff Mills at the mint club was incredible; the guy did things in a DJ booth which I've never seen before and doubt I'll see again and it saddens me to think that people would rather pay twice the price to go to a massive arena and watch someone put a CD on.

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Well I think it is sad when people think that artists becoming popular suddenly mean they are not 'cool' enough. 'Oh they are not obscure enough for me to like them'. I remember going to see Simian Mobile Disco and nobody knowing who they were and me saying how amazing they were and now they are being played on radio one and at the big festivals, but I still love them and would pay to see them in a big arena. I will quite happily go to smaller venues or Glade festival or wherever the great acts are playing but it is also great when you can go to such a big event also, you're the ones missing out if you live your lives by the tunneled-vision rules! :hihi:

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Well I think it is sad when people think that artists becoming popular suddenly mean they are not 'cool' enough. 'Oh they are not obscure enough for me to like them'. I remember going to see Simian Mobile Disco and nobody knowing who they were and me saying how amazing they were and now they are being played on radio one and at the big festivals, but I still love them and would pay to see them in a big arena. I will quite happily go to smaller venues or Glade festival or wherever the great acts are playing but it is also great when you can go to such a big event also, you're the ones missing out if you live your lives by the tunneled-vision rules! :hihi:


No they don't, it is possible to achieve critical aclaim, manstream success and still be respected by the underground for artists such as Depeche Mode for example. The reason, on the whole, that something is mainstream is that it is built for popular aclaim as opposed to pushing the boundries of music and creating real art - the former is what Tiesto is doing, his recent tour has been sponsored by Heineken for gods sake, surely you understand that artsitic integrity is undermined when padering to massive corporate sponsorship?


If by "tunneled-vision rules" you mean seeking out artists who care about the music they make rather than the money they generate then yes I do have tunnel-vision.

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...why not invest your ticket money on going to a smaller or non-corporate night that are breaking up and coming artists/DJ's??? Have some f*cking soul!!!


This is exactly what's wrong with the Sheffield club scene. Tiesto will no doubt sell out the arena. Why? Because it's such an easy and safe option. Why not put some f*cking effort in and discover something new; a new band/DJ/rapper whatever. There's loads out there, unfortunately you just have to put the effort in. If everyone did put the effort in, Sheffields club scene would be thriving not just surviving.


Wear you're heart on your sleeve and take a risk! If everyone did, the chances are it'd pay off and you'd be able to say "I was there when XYZ played in front of 200 people" etc.


Thats the thing- i have been doing that for years, I was there when tiesto was a virtual unknown on the dance scene in sheffield and i have watched the careers of other DJs explode onto the scene- people like halliwell etc etc, i have been to the gigs in the pubs and the tiny clubs and had a great time.


Yet when i want to go with my friends to see a DJ i have been watching for years and i have great memorys of in numerous countrys- i am suddenly a soulless bandwagon jumper??


Get real- each to there own i say, if its not your thing then fine, im cool with that, but don't start slagging off everyone who is going just because you don't like him or what he plays.

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The Spice Girls, Take That and Robbie Williams fill bigger arenas than Tiesto on a much more regular basis. Doing something right perhaps, but it doesn't mean they're any good either.
A poor example, Take That are doing some of the best pop music around and are at the top of their game
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