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Contraceptive advice


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Hi I am currently on the implant contraceptive.


I used to be on microgynon but then I had a mini stroke so I was taken off them because my doctor decided to tell me afterwards that they are linked with strokes.


So I have had this implant for about a year, at first it was good and i got hardly any periods at all but now it is practically every week, my doctor has now prescribed cerazette.


I asked her about the side effects and if it caused weight gain because my confidence is already very low and the last thing I want to be doing is putting on weight aswell and she said no not at all but now reading about it I have found these are the symptoms:


* Changes in menstrual bleeding

* Nausea.

* Acne.

* Mood changes.

* Decreased sex drive.

* Breast tenderness.

* Headache.

* Weight gain.

* Vomiting.

* Fatigue.

* Hair loss.

* Cysts on the ovaries.

* Inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis).


Not looking very good it is?

Why oh why am I even putting myself through this I already have mood changes, pretty bad skin and a decreased sex drive so reading this is making me very stressed out.:rant:


Has anyone else got any advice???

What contraception are you on?


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An important thing to remember out listed side-effects of any drug.


If a person is put on said drug, and suffers any symptoms at all, no matter what they might be, those symptoms go down as potential side-effects and must be listed. Even if someone dies of a heart attack who had already had three heart attacks and had every chance of dying at any moment, it still goes down as "this drug may potentially cause heart failure." Less seriously, anyone who puts on weight after starting the drug, would be a case of "this drug may cause weight gain" - even if a change in their diet was responsible. I'd put more stock in the doctor's statement about what its likely side effects are, or are not, than I would in what the leaflet says.


I have, indeed, heard a joke that says someone was once prescribed a new drug and was run over on the main road the next day; that drug now has on its list of potential side-effects, "being run over by a bus." :hihi:

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good idea but I'm sure sooner or later he'll want children as he's only 27


do you want children?


maybe you should talk about whether or not you both want children.


If neither of you want children then send him off to the vet. I had a friend who had it done and he said it was mostly painless and much less painful than the traditional option of a couple of half bricks

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do you want children?


maybe you should talk about whether or not you both want children.


If neither of you want children then send him off to the vet. I had a friend who had it done and he said it was mostly painless and much less painful than the traditional option of a couple of half bricks


i had it done a fair few years ago now.........it feels like being kicked in the knackers at first, not painless but then not too bad, but after the first day its ok

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I'm only 22 though. I will want children but not yet.

I can't ask him to have a versectomy, reverseble or not we have only been together a few months its not really something I want to bring up


wait until he's asleep then get the half bricks out :hihi:


more seriously, how about using condoms?

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