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Contraceptive advice


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wait until he's asleep then get the half bricks out :hihi:


more seriously, how about using condoms?


yeah I think thats a good idea, he says that I'm just reading the side effects of what I'm taking and deciding that I get them aswell when I know I am having them.


I will make an appointment to have this stupid implant out I have had enough of all these unnatural extra hormones messing up my body

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yeah I think thats a good idea, he says that I'm just reading the side effects of what I'm taking and deciding that I get them aswell when I know I am having them.


I will make an appointment to have this stupid implant out I have had enough of all these unnatural extra hormones messing up my body


if you dont feel comfortable doing it or its screwing (parden the pun) with your health its not worth it

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Hi - I am on the implant & really like it. I was warned that it didn't suit everyone though. To be honest after reading the list of side effects a couple could apply but they could easily be down to other things. I would guess that the side effects of the pill are pretty much the same.


I would have suggested the coil but I think you have got to have had children but am not sure. What about injections? Go & have a chat to the nurse at your GP's practice, or maybe the family planning clinic on Mulberry Street.


Good luck with whatever you choose x

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Hi I am currently on the implant contraceptive.


I used to be on microgynon but then I had a mini stroke so I was taken off them because my doctor decided to tell me afterwards that they are linked with strokes.


So I have had this implant for about a year, at first it was good and i got hardly any periods at all but now it is practically every week, my doctor has now prescribed cerazette.


I asked her about the side effects and if it caused weight gain because my confidence is already very low and the last thing I want to be doing is putting on weight aswell and she said no not at all but now reading about it I have found these are the symptoms:


* Changes in menstrual bleeding

* Nausea.

* Acne.

* Mood changes.

* Decreased sex drive.

* Breast tenderness.

* Headache.

* Weight gain.

* Vomiting.

* Fatigue.

* Hair loss.

* Cysts on the ovaries.

* Inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis).


Not looking very good it is?

Why oh why am I even putting myself through this I already have mood changes, pretty bad skin and a decreased sex drive so reading this is making me very stressed out.:rant:


Has anyone else got any advice???

What contraception are you on?




Not being funny,


Can't you ask your boyfriend to use a Johnny? if he doesn't, refuse to have sex.


If the man loves the woman enough, then surely sticking a johnny on is not too much to ask. If I loved a woman, I would'nt expect her to suffer side effects like that.


If he spits out the dummy, dump him and then get a man who will treat you like a woman should be treat

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