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Contraceptive advice


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I had the implant a few year ago i did not like it as it made me ill. I had it taken out and had the pill injection.


One girl i used to know never seemed to know what contraception was and turned to a termination a few times because she decided she didnt want the baby. It would of been much wiser to use a condom or other means of contraceptive.


So a big pat on the back to you for being wise,I hope you find something that suits you x

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Was on Microgynon (and Yasmin for time )- no problem at all thank God! :) Have absolutely no need for contraception at the moment :rolleyes:, but am planning to get myself properly fixed by the time I am 30.


Not sure what to suggest beyond what's already been posted as condoms have been suggested?


Might be worth shopping around for a different doctor or contraceptive clinic for advice, as sometimes you get a "right you need to be in and out in 5 minutes" type and sometimes you get someone who is really interested in talking things through with you.


(Off topic -like your blog! :) )

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Classy, real classy lady coming on here to discuss this :gag:


What's it got to do with you? Don't like it, don't read it. Sexual health and taking responsibility for contraception is important and a sign of responsibility.


(I wish your mum had posted a thread like this before she had you, might have saved us all a lot of irritation :gag:).

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Was on Microgynon (and Yasmin for time )- no problem at all thank God! :) Have absolutely no need for contraception at the moment :rolleyes:, but am planning to get myself properly fixed by the time I am 30.


Not sure what to suggest beyond what's already been posted as condoms have been suggested?


Might be worth shopping around for a different doctor or contraceptive clinic for advice, as sometimes you get a "right you need to be in and out in 5 minutes" type and sometimes you get someone who is really interested in talking things through with you.


(Off topic -like your blog! :) )



Thanks! I'm calmed down now, was so stressed out yesterday.

I'm going to make an appointment with a good doctor and sort it all out :)

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I'm on Cerezette. I was on the combined pill but I suffer with high blood pressure and had to come off it. I do have periods but they are very light and not as painful as they would be without anything. Because Cerezette is a mini pill you have to take it every day and you don't have a break, and if you easily forget to take your pill then it might be better to go with another form of contraception. Mini pills are said to be better for you than the combined pill as you are only putting one extra hormone in your body rather than two with the combined.

Hope you find something that suits you!


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Hi I am currently on the implant contraceptive.


I used to be on microgynon but then I had a mini stroke so I was taken off them because my doctor decided to tell me afterwards that they are linked with strokes.


So I have had this implant for about a year, at first it was good and i got hardly any periods at all but now it is practically every week, my doctor has now prescribed cerazette.


I asked her about the side effects and if it caused weight gain because my confidence is already very low and the last thing I want to be doing is putting on weight aswell and she said no not at all but now reading about it I have found these are the symptoms:


* Changes in menstrual bleeding

* Nausea.

* Acne.

* Mood changes.

* Decreased sex drive.

* Breast tenderness.

* Headache.

* Weight gain.

* Vomiting.

* Fatigue.

* Hair loss.

* Cysts on the ovaries.

* Inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis).


Not looking very good it is?

Why oh why am I even putting myself through this I already have mood changes, pretty bad skin and a decreased sex drive so reading this is making me very stressed out.:rant:


Has anyone else got any advice???

What contraception are you on?





I am not sure if this will be of any help to you and I haven't read all of your thread, just the first few posts, but I am beginning to think the condom is the only way to go :(


I was on microgynon 6-7 years ago and resulted in an unwanted pregnancy even though I was taking the pill all the time correctly and didn't have any illness.


I used condoms for years after this, but more recently ( 2 years) I moved onto Cerazzette (mini pill) as advised by my local sexual health clinic. I had nothing but problems with this- terrible stomach ache, absolutely unbearable period pain ( I honestly felt as though I was having contractions), swelling of the cervix ( I chad trouble using tampons). I had all the symptons of endometriosis!


When I spoke to the doctors, they referred me for tests at G.U.M, even thought I had been 6 months prior and had no unprotected sex since. This was clear. I then booked in for a smear which was very uncomfotable.... nothing was found. I aired my concerns with the nurse, who told me I could possibly have polycystic ovaries ( which I know is untrue), and to go and see a doctor. I explained that the doctor reffered me to her....

I came off the pill and recently started on Noriday (minipill). I have been on it for 3 months, but I keep forgetting to take it, due to a very busy lifestyle with working allover the country etc.


I have considered other options but to no avail-


Implant- I am seriously squeamish and have been known to pass out when having blood tests! I also don't like the idea of not knowing when your next period will be!


Injection- this can make you pile weight on of which I don't need- I am a size 22 plus size. My sister was a size 14-16 after giving birth to her son- she then ballooned to size 28 with very swollen legs etc after starting on the injection! 3 years later she is down to a 26


Coil- This makes me squirm! I have a friend who is on it who has no issues, but another friend who has recently stopped breast feeding had this put in and her body rejected it immediately. She spent 5 days laid up having contractions and bleeding. In the end she begged the doctor to remove it.


Sterilisation for me or him is not an option! We want a family and will probably start trying in 1-.5-2 years


My mum spent some years as a sexual health worker and is constantly chastising me and my sister for using pill and injection saying it is dangerous and they are only just finding out what it can do to your body! I must admit the idea of all these extra hormones puts me on edge! The day before my period my fella grits his teeth!


It looks like either finding some radical way to remember my mini pill, or going back to condoms... really rubbish as it's like wearing a rain mac! For both of us!

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I am not sure if this will be of any help to you and I haven't read all of your thread, just the first few posts, but I am beginning to think the condom is the only way to go :(


I was on microgynon 6-7 years ago and resulted in an unwanted pregnancy even though I was taking the pill all the time correctly and didn't have any illness.


I used condoms for years after this, but more recently ( 2 years) I moved onto Cerazzette (mini pill) as advised by my local sexual health clinic. I had nothing but problems with this- terrible stomach ache, absolutely unbearable period pain ( I honestly felt as though I was having contractions), swelling of the cervix ( I chad trouble using tampons). I had all the symptons of endometriosis!


When I spoke to the doctors, they referred me for tests at G.U.M, even thought I had been 6 months prior and had no unprotected sex since. This was clear. I then booked in for a smear which was very uncomfotable.... nothing was found. I aired my concerns with the nurse, who told me I could possibly have polycystic ovaries ( which I know is untrue), and to go and see a doctor. I explained that the doctor reffered me to her....

I came off the pill and recently started on Noriday (minipill). I have been on it for 3 months, but I keep forgetting to take it, due to a very busy lifestyle with working allover the country etc.


I have considered other options but to no avail-


Implant- I am seriously squeamish and have been known to pass out when having blood tests! I also don't like the idea of not knowing when your next period will be!


Injection- this can make you pile weight on of which I don't need- I am a size 22 plus size. My sister was a size 14-16 after giving birth to her son- she then ballooned to size 28 with very swollen legs etc after starting on the injection! 3 years later she is down to a 26


Coil- This makes me squirm! I have a friend who is on it who has no issues, but another friend who has recently stopped breast feeding had this put in and her body rejected it immediately. She spent 5 days laid up having contractions and bleeding. In the end she begged the doctor to remove it.


Sterilisation for me or him is not an option! We want a family and will probably start trying in 1-.5-2 years


My mum spent some years as a sexual health worker and is constantly chastising me and my sister for using pill and injection saying it is dangerous and they are only just finding out what it can do to your body! I must admit the idea of all these extra hormones puts me on edge! The day before my period my fella grits his teeth!


It looks like either finding some radical way to remember my mini pill, or going back to condoms... really rubbish as it's like wearing a rain mac! For both of us!


Try taking your pill just before you go to bed or when you get up. That way it's either the first thing you do or the last thing you do before you go to sleep. I think the mini pill is underated. Condoms are all well and good when you're not in a relationship or not serious about the person your sleeping with, but they can break or not be used properly and like you say, are a bit of a passion killer! I think if your with someone long term and you're not planning a family yet it's best to cover yourself with the pill too.

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Classy, real classy lady coming on here to discuss this :gag:


Firstly, what's wrong with discussing contraception on the forum? It's healthy to discuss things like this - especially if your young. At least someone's got the guts to ask about it rather than just getting preggers because there's nothing better to do.


Komel, I was on Cerazette, I'll just tell you how I found it.


It cleared up my skin but I put on weight, I was always feeling down and moody, I had no sex drive and I started with migraines.


I'd go with the condoms!:rolleyes:

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...it feels like being kicked in the knackers at first, not painless but then not too bad, but after the first day its ok


Damn. I just assumed the way my OH writhed around on the floor being sick that my kicks were really hurting him.


I might have to reassess my tactics.:D

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