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Contraceptive advice


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Ladys - what the hell is wrong with you, have you now backbone ?????? whats happened to girl power.


Accepted I'm no angel ( I became a dad at 17), but 15 years ago to get a woman into bed a young lad had to at least make some effort. (ie, lying about how he really felt, saying the things the girl wanted to hear, taking her out, having to pretend to be interested in her mates, and who the girl was as a person..................and you only got her into bed IF YOU WERE LUCKY).


These days you lot appear to view


* Changes in menstrual bleeding

* Nausea.

* Acne.

* Mood changes.

* Decreased sex drive.

* Breast tenderness.

* Headache.

* Weight gain.

* Vomiting.

* Fatigue.

* Hair loss.

* Cysts on the ovaries.

* Inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis).


As an acceptable side effect, get the FLIPPING LAD to put something on the end of it......:huh: for crying out loud, have some respect for yourself.


Girls ask yourself this - if the lad expects you to go through all of the above, just so he doesn't have to wear a condom, do you think he will stay around if you fall pregnant ??????


If you are prepared to go through the pain barrier to help YOUR MANS needs, then don't moan if you are left holding the baby, and he does a runner because lads like that will do that.

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I was given it by my doctor. And I wish I had never ever taken it.


While on these pills, I had some very disturbing and suicidal thoughts, not that I would ever do that, but they were there. I can't really explain but I would advise no-one takes this pill! It really did make me snappy and angry also. I felt that depressed that I felt like I didn't give a tosh about anything and couldn't have given a monkeys about what happened to my life.

I also got the worst migrane type headache I have ever ever had in my life, so much so that even lying down in a dark room wouldn't even take it off.


I had a good chat with my amazing partner and I came off that pill. Since then I went back to my happy, chirpy self and had no mental thoughts or depressive moods!


It's upto you what pill you take but I would advise a big NO NO!!!!!


The only pill I was ok on, was one called Loestrin 20, that was some years back now but it didn't effect my moods or personality.

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Ladys - what the hell is wrong with you, have you now backbone ?????? whats happened to girl power.



I think you should've had a think before you wrote this!


Before you give your opinion that all women are weak cos they won't 'ask' their men to wear one. THINK ABOUT THE FACT SOME WOMEN DON'T WANT THEIR PARTNER TO WEAR ONE!


Not evey man who gets their girl pregnant is an idiot you know!

My best friend accidently got his girl pregnant but they got married and have been happy for 15 years now, if he could go back he would have been careful to nto be in that position, but he didn't so he dealt with the consequences like a 'real man' does!


Think before you speak!

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I feel for you Komal, the options available are useless. I have tried 5 different pills, which all caused me side effects. I finally realised that taking hormones was causing me no good. This obviously ruled out the implant or Mirena coil too. We are both in our twenties and do want to have children in the next couple of years so sterilization isn't an option. Condoms were the only option, which was awful and cost a fortune if you have a healthy sex life!


I had the non-hormone coil put in after much thought. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it as I had loads of problems with my body trying to reject it. Loads of pain, and sex could be uncomfortable. The only reason it is still there 6 months later is because I didn't feel I had another option. I have to say, it has got better and the last couple of months I have hardly noticed it's there. My partner however found this http://ladycomp.org.uk/show.php/index which I have been using for 3 months. It seems to be great- although does take a while to get used to. I'm going to have the coil out in the next few months, I just wanted to be confident this lady comp option was going to work for us before taking any risks but I am quite happy with it now.

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I feel for you Komal, the options available are useless. I have tried 5 different pills, which all caused me side effects. I finally realised that taking hormones was causing me no good. This obviously ruled out the implant or Mirena coil too. We are both in our twenties and do want to have children in the next couple of years so sterilization isn't an option. Condoms were the only option, which was awful and cost a fortune if you have a healthy sex life!


I had the non-hormone coil put in after much thought. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it as I had loads of problems with my body trying to reject it. Loads of pain, and sex could be uncomfortable. The only reason it is still there 6 months later is because I didn't feel I had another option. I have to say, it has got better and the last couple of months I have hardly noticed it's there. My partner however found this http://ladycomp.org.uk/show.php/index which I have been using for 3 months. It seems to be great- although does take a while to get used to. I'm going to have the coil out in the next few months, I just wanted to be confident this lady comp option was going to work for us before taking any risks but I am quite happy with it now.



I have had the same problems with the coil but after all the evil pains and heaviness, I am leaving it in until the time it has to come out. I have got used to it now and don't suffer anymore!


I would be interested to know how you get on with the Ladycomp if you wouldn't mind reporting back one day?

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I think you should've had a think before you wrote this!


Before you give your opinion that all women are weak cos they won't 'ask' their men to wear one. THINK ABOUT THE FACT SOME WOMEN DON'T WANT THEIR PARTNER TO WEAR ONE!


Not evey man who gets their girl pregnant is an idiot you know!

My best friend accidently got his girl pregnant but they got married and have been happy for 15 years now, if he could go back he would have been careful to nto be in that position, but he didn't so he dealt with the consequences like a 'real man' does!


Think before you speak!




Well I personally would not expect any woman I loved to go through the pain barrier, so I didnt have to wear a condom.


But as mentioned before in this thread, its all about choice

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I think it's important to stress again that not all people suffer from side effects of contraceptive methods. I think the thing to do is go to your sexual health clinic and talk to a nurse/doctor there. They can give you advice on what best suits you as a person. I'm not saying your normal doctor can't do this for you, but the clinic see more of this sort of thing daily and would give you the best advice.

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Firstly, what's wrong with discussing contraception on the forum? It's healthy to discuss things like this - especially if your young. At least someone's got the guts to ask about it rather than just getting preggers because there's nothing better to do.


Komel, I was on Cerazette, I'll just tell you how I found it.


It cleared up my skin but I put on weight, I was always feeling down and moody, I had no sex drive and I started with migraines.


I'd go with the condoms!:rolleyes:


I also experienced lack of sex drive!

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Ladys - what the hell is wrong with you, have you now backbone ?????? whats happened to girl power.


Accepted I'm no angel ( I became a dad at 17), but 15 years ago to get a woman into bed a young lad had to at least make some effort. (ie, lying about how he really felt, saying the things the girl wanted to hear, taking her out, having to pretend to be interested in her mates, and who the girl was as a person..................and you only got her into bed IF YOU WERE LUCKY).


These days you lot appear to view


* Changes in menstrual bleeding

* Nausea.

* Acne.

* Mood changes.

* Decreased sex drive.

* Breast tenderness.

* Headache.

* Weight gain.

* Vomiting.

* Fatigue.

* Hair loss.

* Cysts on the ovaries.

* Inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis).


As an acceptable side effect, get the FLIPPING LAD to put something on the end of it......:huh: for crying out loud, have some respect for yourself.


Girls ask yourself this - if the lad expects you to go through all of the above, just so he doesn't have to wear a condom, do you think he will stay around if you fall pregnant ??????


If you are prepared to go through the pain barrier to help YOUR MANS needs, then don't moan if you are left holding the baby, and he does a runner because lads like that will do that.


Just to clarify- I chose the pill as condoms are a) expensive (or time consuming if you have to visit the clinic every week or so) b) I am in a serious relationship and know neither of us are sleeping with others and we have both been tested.


My fella doesn't EXPECT me to take it. The pill I am currently on has no side effects apart from when I stop taking it obviously I bleed out of sync with my cycle. Obviously when I forget we do use condoms for a week.


I am not sure if this is the same for the others on this thread, but my bloke does not expect me to take anything rather than use a condom. I can also honestly say that if I were to fall pregnant my fella would be right where he is now-unlike some men. We want children, just want to wait.

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The OP mentioned somewhere (I think it was the OP, lost my i'net connection halfway through) that condoms "sting" her a little after use - whch made me wonder if she has an allergy/sensitvity to the latex? I cannot use the latex or the non-latex standard jonhnnys, but my GP mentioned some "natural" condoms - OK, if you are veggie/slightly squeamish you may not like them but they are called "naturalamb" and are made of sheep gut. They are not as effective as latex ones, about 90% compared to 97%, but are a good choice of you are in a stable relationship.

luckily for me Himself has had a vasectomy so its not a worry anymore - woohoo! However if you do want kids in future obviously thats not really an alternative. Maybe vasectomise him and adopt?!!

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