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Contraceptive advice


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Sorry for bringing such an old post up, but I was wondering had anyone else found they had hair loss whilst on Cerezette?


I was on it for 4 months, and during this time my hair was falling out like there was no tomorrow. I stopped about a month ago because of this, but my hair is still shedding. Its gone so thin and horrible, and its really bothering me.


The doctors took some blood to test for an underactive thyroid and said they'd contact me if it was that - they haven't, so I can assume thats fine. The Doctor didn't seem especially interested when I said it was the pill :(


I don't know what to do about it. Has anyone else had the same effects - how long did it take for them to subside? I'm only 23, and its getting the point where I don't even want to leave the house. Vain? Maybe.


I'm scared to wash it, as I get loads of hair stuck round my hands. I'm scared to brush it, as I end up with a pile of hair around me. I try to refrain from using heat styling products because of it. I haven't had it cut since March because i'm scared of how much will get pulled out with somebody else doing it. I can't even tie it up properly anymore, as it shows off little patches of skin above my temples, where there used to be lots of baby hair. I've started using caffine shampoo and at first it did help, but not anymore.


Any advice would be fantastic.

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Do you have any other symptoms Tess? Why were you tested for underactive thyroid - you should definitely chase up your results. If that comes back clear I'd be wondering about being tested for PCOS perhaps. This is another simple blood test. I'm hypothyroid and got tested for PCOS but that one came back negative.

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Not being funny,


Can't you ask your boyfriend to use a Johnny? if he doesn't, refuse to have sex.


If the man loves the woman enough, then surely sticking a johnny on is not too much to ask. If I loved a woman, I would'nt expect her to suffer side effects like that.


If he spits out the dummy, dump him and then get a man who will treat you like a woman should be treat


lol at the use of the word 'Johnny', not heard that since at school :hihi:

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If I d known what I was letting myself in for I would off got myself sterilised but now have 4 kids and split with ex by then was too late coz ex had vesetomy get him to have snip love u don't wanna end up with kids then he dumps u so get him to clinic n cut his balls off

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