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Sheffield taxi fares over Christmas

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TBH - most of the PH drivers wanted this anyway - they didn't like charging fare + half as it was counterproductive, not as many people used taxis.


Now hopefully it'll be good news for all concerned - drivers and customers.


I haven't met one private hire driver whose happy about this. We all had a vote at city and majority wanted fare and a half.

As for charging fare and a half over last New Year i didn't have one complaint either. People were simply glad to get home and weren't worried either way. And we were busy as hell.

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At last?:confused:


These tables of fares are displayed in every black cab along with the copy of the driver's badge. The table of fares also gives info on what to do in case of a warranted complaint. This displaying of such information in every cab has been a condition of license for a long long time and not something new as you assume.


The £2 extra charge for the festive season has been for at least ten years or more but people seem to be conditioned to believe cabs charge double fare or fare plus a half. Even the Private hire have now fallen in line with council charging policy and advertise the fact of only £2 charge over and above the normal fare.


I am going on about private hire cabs.

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Doesn't the Council notice of maximum fares apply only to Hackney Carriages (Black Cabs)?
Yes indeed you are right, they do.


I am going on about private hire cabs.
I'm sorry for any misunderstanding then, if you are on about private Hire 'cars' then nothing has changed there. The fare is set by the council for Black cabs only and the Private Hire companies set their own fares. The council fare chart therefore doesn't apply to Private Hire. Almost all PH drivers do Carry a fare chart issued by their respective company (There is no requirement for them to display it) and you can ask to view that if you wish to work out what the fare should be for yourself.

That said however the PH cars must display the licence number inside the vehicle along with a copy of the drivers bade. In case you need to complain that number can be used to trace the vehicle in question along with the registered driver of the said PH car.

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