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Sheffield taxi fares over Christmas

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I haven't met one private hire driver whose happy about this. We all had a vote at city and majority wanted fare and a half.


I can annnounce City are charging exactly the same as all the other companies. :D


Why the smile? You weren't happy earlier.


Most of the customers are glad its not double or treble fares!! When its fare and half you can handle the sacrifice of new years eve or boxing day as you will earn enough to have an extra day of and celebrate then, but with £2 on the fare a run to Barnsley or Manchester at 2am new years eve isn't worth doing.

i believe this could back fire as a lot of drivers will not be working now, and more people are set to use taxis as they are cheaper, this means higher volumes of jobs but fewer fewer jobs covered and then this will lead to more disappointed future and regular customers.

But who are we to argue!

This couldn't be more wrong.


There will be plenty of taxis with the 2 pound extra. At fare+half you get hundreds of drivers working, with less work too. Only a lucky driver makes a lot with fare+half.


If fewer drivers work, and more jobs are available, the drivers that do work will earn more. The chances of jobs not being covered on Christmas day/Boxing day is almost zero (weather permitting, as the last few days have shown - but not due to fares)


I haven't met one private hire driver whose happy about this. We all had a vote at city and majority wanted fare and a half.

As for charging fare and a half over last New Year i didn't have one complaint either. People were simply glad to get home and weren't worried either way. And we were busy as hell.


If you haven't met one driver happy with it, then your company is letting you down. A voting system where the majority doesn't win is ridiculous. Either the vote was pointless or you haven't met the right drivers. (I know the real reason why your vote didn't work, think about it, then PM me, and I'll tell you if you are right)

You hit the nail on the head there. Most distance jobs will simply get bounced. Short jobs will have the most earning potential. I also know many drivers who aren't working New Years Eve as its not worth the bother or hassle for an extra two quid. :loopy:


No distance jobs will get bounced, other than from drivers that always knock back distance work, and there are a few that don't like out of town work.


If you have a busy shift on NYE and manage 25 jobs, you will earn 50 quid extra+tips as people are more generous at NY. That seems reasonable. Not ideal I agree, as the weekend will be dead.

Edited by *_ash_*
i cocked up the links, sorted now
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Why the smile? You weren't happy earlier.



This couldn't be more wrong.


There will be plenty of taxis with the 2 pound extra. At fare+half you get hundreds of drivers working, with less work too. Only a lucky driver makes a lot with fare+half.


If less drivers work, and more jobs are available, the drivers that do work will earn more. The chances of jobs not being covered on Christmas day/Boxing day is almost zero (weather permitting, as the last few days have shown - but not due to fares)




If you haven't met one driver happy with it, then your company is letting you down. A voting system where the majority doesn't win is ridiculous. Either the vote was pointless or you haven't met the right drivers.



No distance jobs will get bounced, other than from drivers that always knock back distance work, and there are a few that don't like out of town work.


If you have a busy shift on NYE and manage 25 jobs, you will earn 50 quid extra+tips as people are more generous at NY. That seems reasonable. Not ideal I agree, as the weekend will be dead.


I fail to understand why New Years Eve has to have a higher rate. It is not a bank holiday so should be standard rate.

Personally I face a 5 mile walk home from work as I will never pay to travel in a dole claiming badge sharing death trap.

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I fail to understand why New Years Eve has to have a higher rate. It is not a bank holiday so should be standard rate.

Personally I face a 5 mile walk home from work as I will never pay to travel in a dole claiming badge sharing death trap.

You will be sadly missed:wave:, but hey, enjoy the walk and think of the benefits of excercise:D And if the weather is anything like it was earlier tonight then by the time you get home, you'll understand why folk pay for taxis and a comfortable ride home.;)

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Why the smile? You weren't happy earlier.



This couldn't be more wrong.


There will be plenty of taxis with the 2 pound extra. At fare+half you get hundreds of drivers working, with less work too. Only a lucky driver makes a lot with fare+half.


If less drivers work, and more jobs are available, the drivers that do work will earn more. The chances of jobs not being covered on Christmas day/Boxing day is almost zero (weather permitting, as the last few days have shown - but not due to fares)




If you haven't met one driver happy with it, then your company is letting you down. A voting system where the majority doesn't win is ridiculous. Either the vote was pointless or you haven't met the right drivers.



No distance jobs will get bounced, other than from drivers that always knock back distance work, and there are a few that don't like out of town work.


If you have a busy shift on NYE and manage 25 jobs, you will earn 50 quid extra+tips as people are more generous at NY. That seems reasonable. Not ideal I agree, as the weekend will be dead.

Why you can always tell a professional, well reasoned *_ash_*;)

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I fail to understand why New Years Eve has to have a higher rate. It is not a bank holiday so should be standard rate.

You could also fail to see why clubs charge more. Why DJ's charge more. Why staff in pubs, clubs want more. Because basically, people, even Pakistanis, like to spend holidays with their families.


With no extra pay, there's little encouragement to work really is there?

Personally I face a 5 mile walk home from work as I will never pay to travel in a dole claiming badge sharing death trap.

If you would never travel in a cab, why are bothering to respond?


Let people who have earned their wages and have chosen to spend it in more expensive clubs and pubs on a particular night, make their own mind to how they spend their hard earned money. If they decide that their money isn't worthy of a taxi home, then they can make other arrangements. :)


You will be sadly missed:wave:, but hey, enjoy the walk and think of the benefits of excercise:D And if the weather is anything like it was earlier tonight then by the time you get home, you'll understand why folk pay for taxis and a comfortable ride home.;)


Good point tab. People always moan after clapping weight on at Crimbo. A walk will help them. :);)

Edited by *_ash_*
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Ok the battlelines have been drawn lol. Time to retaliate


Why the smile? You weren't happy earlier


The threads were merged Ash. I was simply stating we were doing the same as Mercury. Didn't mean i was happy about it.


This couldn't be more wrong.


There will be plenty of taxis with the 2 pound extra. At fare+half you get hundreds of drivers working, with less work too. Only a lucky driver makes a lot with fare+half.


Last year Ash i worked 16 hours on City and were busy as hell. I was bouncing all over the city. Then again i find the drivers that do work all over the city can earn alot more than the regional ones that return to their own stomping ground like yourself (crookes/crosspool?)


If you haven't met one driver happy with it, then your company is letting you down. A voting system where the majority doesn't win is ridiculous. Either the vote was pointless or you haven't met the right drivers.


Well you just said it. Yes it was pointless and when we got the news it was fare plus two pounds the general consensus was not a happy one. Thats just a fact. do really think drivers are gonna be jumping to the moon about earning less???? :loopy:


No distance jobs will get bounced, other than from drivers that always knock back distance work, and there are a few that don't like out of town work.


If you have a busy shift on NYE and manage 25 jobs, you will earn 50 quid extra+tips as people are more generous at NYE


25 jobs on NYE is hardly a busy shift. Thats like 2 jobs an hour in a 12 hour stint???????? Most drivers would be targetting for 3-4 jobs an hour. Last NYE i was bouncing all other the city and couldn't have been busier. People were simply glad to get home and expected to pay fare and a half.


As for distance work. If I get a job to Barnsley that clocks £22(fare plus 2 quid) then i'd simply reject it as the shorter less time consuming work burning alot less fuel will simply be more profitable to us. Isn't that just common sense???


Why you can always tell a professional, well reasoned *_ash_*


Tab1 are you some sort of Brown nose? Since when has Ash qualified as a professional? If hes such a pro ask him about Mels Merc :hihi::hihi:. LOL sorry couldn't resist that one Ash. :hihi::hihi:

Edited by Event Horizo
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Since when has Ash qualified as a professional? If hes such a pro ask him about Mels Merc :hihi::hihi:. LOL sorry couldn't resist that one Ash. :hihi::hihi:


If you were a boxer, that would be a life ban for such a below the belt punch. :hihi:


I'll respond to the rest later. I've oversleep, and got a date with Meadowhell. (if I can find it)



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Tab1 are you some sort of Brown nose? Since when has Ash qualified as a professional? If hes such a pro ask him about Mels Merc :hihi::hihi:. LOL sorry couldn't resist that one Ash. :hihi::hihi:

As the two of you seem to have scores to settle and not knowing either of you in real life I am at a loss obviously. I can only agree or disagree with what is said on these pages and what Ash has said seems to be well reasoned to me that's all, plus it explains why we are in the situation that you lads have cause to complain. Furthermore coincidently the companies also are thinking along the same lines so Ash or myself are not the only two in seeing that side of it.

What happened to Mel's Merc anyway, and is this Mel from Mercury that you refer to? Maybe if I had said 'a professional approach' would have been more apt?

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As the two of you seem to have scores to settle and not knowing either of you in real life I am at a loss obviously.


No scores to settle Tab1, I have no idea who eventhorizo is, though he clearly knows me. Doesn't worry or surprise me. A lot of Sheffield taxi drivers know me.


So I have to use taxi's to have an opinion?

Can only a murder victim have an opinion on murder?


In your first post you failed to see why taxis charge more.. I responded and answered your questions, then you re-posted with non other than this poor retort. ^^:rolleyes:


Not to mention that you have to expect a response to this...


dole claiming badge sharing death traps


...as it insults the vast majority of proud working people, who spend thousands every year keeping their vehicles in the order that the council require, and so they and their customers travel safely and in comfort.


Ok the battlelines have been drawn lol. Time to retaliate


No need to retaliate.


No battle line. If you know me as you appear to do, you would know that I defend many cabbies, and the trade as a whole, when I see fit.



The threads were merged Ash. I was simply stating we were doing the same as Mercury. Didn't mean i was happy about it.


A thread merge I couldn't have known, but fair enough, I take back my smiley comment. ;)


Last year Ash i worked 16 hours on City and were busy as hell. I was bouncing all over the city. Then again i find the drivers that do work all over the city can earn alot more than the regional ones that return to their own stomping ground like yourself (crookes/crosspool?)


Each to his/her own. As you know where I liked to work:huh:. I weighed up trouble/hassle/earning potential and found my happy medium in these areas.


Thats just a fact. do really think drivers are gonna be jumping to the moon about earning less???? :loopy:


Why the :huh:? I've happily and quite openly made my thoughts known about the fare and half thing, I have argued that extra cost is necessary, because work is dead other than the key days over the holiday time, and that it is anti-social hours for general family life, as with most other trades.


However, I've opposed it every year in favour of bringing in 2 pound extra, and tried to bring some sense on board to my [previous] work mates.


Who use taxis?


Regulars... lets charge them huge amounts?


Account customers... that keep us all running all throughout the year, lets charge them huge amounts?


People who use taxis once a year... they see how expensive taxis are, and never use us again, until next Christmas. hmmm.. there's an opening isn't there?


25 jobs on NYE is hardly a busy shift. Thats like 2 jobs an hour in a 12 hour stint???????? Most drivers would be targetting for 3-4 jobs an hour. Last NYE i was bouncing all other the city and couldn't have been busier. People were simply glad to get home and expected to pay fare and a half.


If you are doing 4 jobs an hour, include when driving to the pick up/picking up/driving to destination/getting next job... those jobs can only be one milers. One milers with fare+2 quid is more than fare and half.


3.80 + half is 5.70


3.80 + 2 is 5.80


If your year is like last, and you are doing 4 jobs an hour, you will make more money. If you do 3, the difference is minimal, and Xmas/NY tips will make it up. I had the odd fiver and tenner tip when I worked those days. One fiver tip will make up for 10 2-milers.


As for distance work. If I get a job to Barnsley that clocks £22(fare plus 2 quid) then i'd simply reject it as the shorter less time consuming work burning alot less fuel will simply be more profitable to us. Isn't that just common sense???


To some maybe. I would and rather do one 22 quid job from a decent area with no chance of bother, than 4 5-pound jobs from crap areas with hassle, bother and arguments. On Christmas there will be jobs from High Green/Chap anyhow, going across town as many jobs do at Crimbo, I'll bring 15 quid back with me anyway. So that's 37 quid for 2 jobs, and two less chances of bother, and two less chances of people not being ready.. how many times do you hear "ayup mate, just be a second, someone's not ready".. then sit waiting 5 minutes? Times 5 minutes by the 25 jobs+ that you will do. I'll let you lot do the Maths.. minutes add up.


Tab1 are you some sort of Brown nose? Since when has Ash qualified as a professional? If hes such a pro ask him about Mels Merc :hihi:. LOL sorry couldn't resist that one Ash. :hihi:


Finally EventH, as for the brown nose comment. Tab, I've known in here for a long time, and he is very knowledgable in your/ [my previous] trade, and a good spokesperson for you and your colleagues in the trade.


I hope you have a safe holidays in your work EventH :).


I personally wouldn't do it again. My last journey in Oct 2008 was the last time I ever allow anyone into my car unless I invite them.

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