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How to stop a dog pulling

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Different things work for different dogs.


Brude is better off a lead coz he takes all his commands form the lead if he's wearing one. This involves being deaf and keeping the lead taught to feel it jerk :loopy:


I had to teach him to walk without a lead after his back injury, because the hitherto effective halti could have injured him further :(


Now I carry his leather lead and a huge half choke that's really too big for himm, but I use it instead of training disks. He responds to it's rattle (see Vidster's post on noise).


If he gets too far infront and won't return I flick his hindquaters with the handle (not the chain coz it hurts too much) and if he runs off or strays further and wont 'come here', it can be thrown near to him so the chain noise makes him think I'm nearer and he scoots back. Sometimes he can be persuaded to bring the lead back with him too :D


If he needs to wear his lead (eg passing another dog) it's easier to slip the half choke over his head than attach the clip to the collar he's wearing

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On a slightly different note.

Please don't buy one of those "I'm a lazy owner" extendible leads for anything bigger than a Yorkshire Terrier. It does my head in when someone has a fully grown German Shepherd on one. If a big dog pulls slightly on one, the clutch mechanism just lays down and dies and the dog can run straight at whatever it wants :rant:

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i used to walk faster if my dog pulled...so she wud start to jog..so i would...then run...so i follow...


was tiring...but i was damned if i was gonna be beaten by her! hahaha.


i never chocked my dog..its horrible to do and to see. just stop walking or tell them off?.. im no expert..just love dogs (waits for deejay to comment :D )

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our golden retriever used to pull, in the end we found it was easier to walk her without a lead ( she had gone to doggy training since a pup so would sit down at every road crossing) She never moved from your 'heel' walking her like that. She would walk perfectly at training as there was no walk at the end of it,


As soon as a lead was on she would go mad pulling to the extent that she would be choking herself and her tongue would go blue (this was not even using a choker!)


Depends if you can trust your dog to walk to heel and not chase other animals off the lead.

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It is illegal to walk a dog off lead in certain areas, especially near roads. Certain dogs are supposed to be kept on leads no matter what.


I bought an extending lead but the dog got too big and too strong for it. Also tried gentle leader as mentioned earlier.


Maybe the only way to stop the dog from pulling is to chop off his head! (That was a joke by the way)



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Leave a dog to do what comes naturally... ;)


No, as far as I know, if the half choke don't work, then I would recommend:


a short lead where the dog must walk to heel. Hold the end of the lead in your right hand and have the dog on your left hand. Hold the lead as well with your left hand so the lead is across the front of your body.


If he starts to pull, then say in a firm voice, 'heel' and stop. When the dog comes back to the position you want you can either, give him a treat, or have a clicker and click when he's in the correct postion and give a treat. Do this each time he comes back to the correct position.


It will take a long time, but as far as I'm concerned you CAN teach an old dog new tricks!!


Try doing this around the garden as well. As often as you can.


Never let the dog pull because you are bored and want to get home and never end the walk/training session on a bad note, the dog will associate it with bad things.


Don't shout if the dog doesn't get it either, this really doesn't help and the dog again associates it with bad things and will disagree with the lead even more!


Hope this helps!



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Nice one Lotti but I refer to my post on the other thread about dogs barking. How many dogs you know are born with a lead attached? Would save a few quid. Some genetic alterations maybe. Do dogs have an umbilical cord? Hmmmm.



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Quite confused by that...


Did the advice help though?


You said to leave a dog to do what comes naturally but you want to stop your dog pulling on a lead... that's all I meant...


It was just a joke at the end of the day...


With what I hope was helpful advice after it.

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