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New African Restaurant on London Road

Sandra Spice

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  • 2 months later...

We tried the restaurant last night - and won't bother to go again.


An average meal costs £15 - that's for the main course, drinks not included.

All main course dishes come with the option of chicken, goat or fish - but no reduction if you are vegetarian.


Some of the meals were ok, just overpriced [a 2 egg omelette and fried plantain for £15.99]

Others were just disgusting [soup with the consistency of frogspawn and it tasted like dust]


There's no music. We waited 2 hours for the food.


At least we've been to try a new cuisine, but we wouldn't take friends there.


ps - my stomach was making rumbling noises all night after we left ..........

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I've gone back since my first visit there, and I'm sorry to say it's not what it was. They have hiked the prices. Before, we were able to find lots of things below 10 quid. Not anymore. And I had the same dish, which was pleasantly spicy before, but not this time. I might give it one more try, only because I really want a sub-Saharan place to take root here, but not for a while.

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I've gone back since my first visit there, and I'm sorry to say it's not what it was. They have hiked the prices. Before, we were able to find lots of things below 10 quid. Not anymore. And I had the same dish, which was pleasantly spicy before, but not this time. I might give it one more try, only because I really want a sub-Saharan place to take root here, but not for a while.


Oh dear. Either they wanted to seriously cash in on Martin Dawes' excellent review or their ministry is floundering and they need more funds. Either way hiking up your prices during a recession is just such a good idea :loopy:

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  • 2 months later...

They've had a few issues, but the last couple of times we have been there the food has been excellent.


They had what sounded like Ladysmith playing in the background, and the staff were great. We had a really fun night.


I would really recommend the the Egusi stew with pounded yam - its got an exotic feel, not to spicy and ohhhhh so flavoursome :-) The meat was really tender too. A BIG thumbs up to the chef on that one. It was less then a tenner (well a penny less than a tenner). Well worth it, as it was a huge portion, my little girl loved it too, and so was lucky that it was a big portion, otherwise I would have gone hungry (think she forgot she had rice on her plate :-( - the play value was too good on mine :-) )


They've got some posters up for a Sunday buffet, its not started yet :-( but can't wait till it does, as the menu looks so appetising and can never decide what to have, but then I WILL BE ABLE TO EAT (a bit of) EVERYTHING!!!!!!! MMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) ;-) :-)


Strongly recommend it

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