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Training aids to stop dog barking?

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Our dog Fergus doesn't bark a lot, but he goes mad when someone comes to the house and doesn't stop barking until they've gone away. He also races to the front door and it's quite difficult to restrain him. Presumably he thinks his barking has driven them away succesfully. I was thinking about trying a training aid - such as an ultrasonic collar or unit which emits an unpleasant sound which only the dog can hear when he starts barking. Does anyone know whether these are effective? Or do you have any other suggestions?

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Brude has had this problen since those nasty people hammered on our window and shouted at me about having him in a cage (with a broken back and absolute rest required) :mad:


He was petrified :(


It has taken some time, but I ignore him for a couple of barks (don't jump when he says so), go to look at the problem before I speak to him, then speak soothingly/reassuringly.


Never shout at him coz he'll think you're joining in shouting at the 'intruder' ;)


It's taken about 6 months, but there's been a drastic improvement


I'll ask my neighbour if the bark collar she had worked

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And the problem with a dog barking is what?


There are humans who go out drinking and then become really noisy, and those who are noisy regardless of drink. Gob collars may be handy, or maybe we should just have the human bark box removed surgically?


My dog barks when strangers are around. Good for him.



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Originally posted by Longshanks

Our dog Fergus doesn't bark a lot, but he goes mad when someone comes to the house and doesn't stop barking until they've gone away. He also races to the front door and it's quite difficult to restrain him. Presumably he thinks his barking has driven them away succesfully. I was thinking about trying a training aid - such as an ultrasonic collar or unit which emits an unpleasant sound which only the dog can hear when he starts barking. Does anyone know whether these are effective? Or do you have any other suggestions?


when my dog was alive he was like that. Also had a habit of wetting himself with excitement.


Only thing I can suggest is making him go to his bed every time we does it or throw him a bone. They soon tend to get distracted. We used to give my dopg a hide bone and it would take him 20 mins to eat ait and he'd do it quietly in the corner.

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Originally posted by Dragon

And the problem with a dog barking is what?


There are humans who go out drinking and then become really noisy, and those who are noisy regardless of drink. Gob collars may be handy, or maybe we should just have the human bark box removed surgically?


My dog barks when strangers are around. Good for him.




Well, first,

this person obviously doesn't want their dog to bark when people come round.


Secondly, strangers don't choose to have the dog you do, therefore, it is not their fault that the dog barks at them and if your dog is used to barking at people it could scare a strange child that it barks at. It's your responsibility as the owner to stop this.


Thirdly, it stresses the dog out. Dogs don't bark at strangers because they enjoy it, they bark at them because they are scared of stressed. So, when your dog is barking at people and you're thinking 'good for him' it's not, because he's stressed out.


And finally, I don't believe that you would find it acceptable if someone came down the road and started shouting at you even though, he had nothing mentally wrong with him and he didn't know you so couldn't have any grudge against you. Would you like this?

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Oh, and to answer original question:


I never liked them, but some people have said that they like them but they prefer the spray ones to the ultrasonic ones.


Also, if you have more than one dog, it's better to get one that you control by a remote because the noise from one dog can set the other dog's collar off!


Hope this helps!


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Originally posted by Dragon

And the problem with a dog barking is what?


The problem with a barking dog is that they tend to waken sleeping babies. Then you have twice the amount of noise.


Thats why Longshanks is trying to sort the problem now, rather than in a months time when the baby is due.


It might be a little late in the day, though....

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My dog barks when it is having fun as well as when it is worried by strangers. Lets face it - dogs bark. Fact of life I am sure.


We are talking about dogs barking are we not? You know - the four legged variety with hair and teeth? Comparing this animal barking to some stranger walking down the street and shouting insults escapes me. Now if a stranger came down the street and started barking - I'd probably wet myself laughing.


If strangers stay away from my home then my dog does not bark. He does not bark when I take him out for walks. He does not bark when we are visiting people.


Leave the dog to do what comes naturally to it.



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ok, you didn't make that clear though Dragon.


Longshanks was saying that her dog barks at visitors (they may not be strangers) and you said that your dog barks at strangers (you didn't say where).


And yes, we are talking about dogs, the four legged type so why did you post this:


There are humans who go out drinking and then become really noisy, and those who are noisy regardless of drink. Gob collars may be handy, or maybe we should just have the human bark box removed surgically?




And, if my answers were no good for your question:

And the problem with a dog barking is what?


Then see Draggletail's answer.


And yes, dogs do bark, it's something they do, but you can train one not to bark whenever someone comes in the house.

I know they bark because they enjoy it but they don't bark at strangers and think 'wow this is fun! making a row because someone's at the door!'

Or at least, I don't think they do :suspect:

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