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Thinking Of Getting A Wood Burner.

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Love my wood burner, had the system five years, running the central heating and hot water, would never go back to gas ever, logs are cheaper, carbon neutral and you don't get expensive boiler repair bills from dodgy plumbers, best of luck!


But are you aware of the pollution that can be generated from burning wood?


Dioxins, particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons?

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I believe there are building regs which govern the installation of solid fuel stoves, one being that you must have an air grate fitted into the room as, of course, the stove will require a constant supply of oxygen to burn. It would be ideally situated near to the stove, perhaps cut into the floor so it can draw in air through the underfloor air grates on the outside walls (assuming it is not a concrete floor).

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Gormenghast, take your point, it depends which scientific research you choose to believe, many believe that toxins are burnt-off, sulpher dioxide is not present when burning logs and they're carbon neutral. Not trying to make out logs where an eco dream but its the best option for most, less polluting that electricity produced from coal, same with gas, ground source pumps are great for new-builds but no good for the rest of us, solar is superb but your not going to heat your house with it. Highly important to make sure logs are properly seasoned, ask your supplier what the moisture content is, under 30% is what you're looking for and 20% is ideal. Sheffield council has several wood pellet burners heating large buildings after their research proved it to be the most practical alternative to gas.


It is also correct that building approval is required, cheap and straight forward in most peoples cases if your house if pre-1960's and you can install yourself but your work has to checked so get an Hetas engineer to do the work unless your very confident about doing the install. You do need an air grate installing beyond a certain size stove, I think it's 5kw going from memory, no problem, very cheap and easy to fit.

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  • 3 years later...

I have recently bought a wood burner from a local company in Lancashire. I went down to their factory and they explained which stove i needed. to be precise on their website they have a kw calculator ro show you which power stove is needed for your size room.

Their website is vestastoves.co.uk and the calculator is located under technical info.


Hope this helps with your decision. incidentally we went for the 4.5 kw which is just underneath the air-brick requirement.

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