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Misleading price tickets in Morrisons

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The problem is its a pain getting your money back - you have to rteurn to the shop if you have already left, queue at customer service, wait for someone to go & have a look at the aisle & then fill a form out so I guess many people don't bother.


Exactly, the majority of people won't notice, if you're buying a trolley full of stuff you can't match the price on everything.


If they're doing this every day in every store they must be making tens of thousands of pounds a day out of ripping people off with dishonest pricing.

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A lot of shops do it, even Asda at Handsworth but just about every c-op shope there is. They advertise at a specific price on the shelf and ring it through at the till at an increased price. This is something you can easily pick up on when you only buy a few things but more difficult to spot during the weekly shop. There was a report about it on the radio last year, the supermarket say it's impossible to keep track of prices. A complete crock IMO with the advent of data mining techniques and ERP tools that all major supermarkets use these days.

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just so people know it IS a mistake. although could be a secret scam but not by anyone in the store. Supermarkets have price changes on almost a daily basis you really think that they know exactly what is being changed the problem lies with head office. I work in a little store and we have mistakes especially near promotion change over. the problem is that everywhere is a chain so people in an office somewhere change the systems remotely and don't tell the stores or they do it wrong.


since all these stores actually give you your money back you should be thankful. as your consumer rights are much lower that you all think. if the price is wrong on the shelf we DONT have to sell it to you at that price unless deliberately misleading. and even then we have the right to refuse service to anyone so again you have no right to shop in these stores.


you will find these problems in every chain shop in the world that your laziness not the laziness of the young shelf stackers has created due to wanting everything convenient.


on top of that dont give staff members abuse ever. they already hate you dont give them more reason 99% of people are wrong when they reckon that we are. read signs properly in all detail. thats what they're there for. unless you know without a shadow of a doubt that you are 100% right. i.e if there is a sign that is massive saying the deal and has a date on the sign(yes most are dated) then dont complain.


I have to deal with alcoholics, idiots and just general scum 100times for every decent person it seems these days so don't think that your special if i was incharge i would probably just kick you out.

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just so people know it IS a mistake. although could be a secret scam but not by anyone in the store. Supermarkets have price changes on almost a daily basis you really think that they know exactly what is being changed the problem lies with head office. I work in a little store and we have mistakes especially near promotion change over. the problem is that everywhere is a chain so people in an office somewhere change the systems remotely and don't tell the stores or they do it wrong.


since all these stores actually give you your money back you should be thankful. as your consumer rights are much lower that you all think. if the price is wrong on the shelf we DONT have to sell it to you at that price unless deliberately misleading. and even then we have the right to refuse service to anyone so again you have no right to shop in these stores.


you will find these problems in every chain shop in the world that your laziness not the laziness of the young shelf stackers has created due to wanting everything convenient.


on top of that dont give staff members abuse ever. they already hate you dont give them more reason 99% of people are wrong when they reckon that we are. read signs properly in all detail. thats what they're there for. unless you know without a shadow of a doubt that you are 100% right. i.e if there is a sign that is massive saying the deal and has a date on the sign(yes most are dated) then dont complain.


I have to deal with alcoholics, idiots and just general scum 100times for every decent person it seems these days so don't think that your special if i was incharge i would probably just kick you out.


Right. Obviously having staff with an attitude like yours explains why they're so bloody useless then doesn't it? By the way, I really think you need to start learning to like your customers a bit more and having a bit more respect for them because I think you're going to stuck with them for quite a while longer.


Have fun sitting on the checkouts sunshine because with an attitude like yours that's the furthest you're going to get in life unless your ambition is to be a dole bludger.

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not on checkout most of the time but everything i say is the truth. i'll put on the fake smile and get stupid 100% on mystery shopper and all that ******. heck working in a shop is just a secondary thing for me anyway going much further in life. thank you very much.


and i have respect for the good people the 1 in 100 luckily the 1 in 100 are the regulars so they take up more of my time.


but when you literally have customers come in the shop(alcoholic) covered in their own feces and your getting paid just over minimum wage. I'm not being paid enough for that.


now the first part of my message was an explanation the rest was a rant. but all was true.

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It's not a mistake it happens too often in Morrison's. Usually at least 1 or 2 items in a reasonably sized shop will have a couple of items mispriced. My husband always checks but the staff are really funny about it like you're a tightfisted idiot wasting their time for a 30p refund. On one occasion he went an complained and the guy he complained to said he would investigate and walked off, he wasn't investigating he just left and started doing other stuff, my husband went and found him and when he saw him coming he tried to hide behind a stock trolley!!


It's interesting this should come up as my OH has actually recently started taking photographs of the labels and the prices on the receipt to complain to their head office, he's got loads of things where it's special offer but they've put the wrong size out, the offer doesn't scan in, even some where there are two prices differing by up to 50p on the shelf for the same item. And guess which one they charge? They higher one innit.


Good for you/him - everyone else think on this- why are the "mistakes" never in the customers favour?

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not on checkout most of the time but everything i say is the truth. i'll put on the fake smile and get stupid 100% on mystery shopper and all that ******. heck working in a shop is just a secondary thing for me anyway going much further in life. thank you very much.


and i have respect for the good people the 1 in 100 luckily the 1 in 100 are the regulars so they take up more of my time.


but when you literally have customers come in the shop(alcoholic) covered in their own feces and your getting paid just over minimum wage. I'm not being paid enough for that.


now the first part of my message was an explanation the rest was a rant. but all was true.


You Shop Assistant ... I'd even call you a Bus Driver but nobody can stoop that low.

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I've noticed they get up to several sneaky ways to make you spend more than you normally would on so called bargains.

:rant:Anybody else noticed how they regularly don't have on the shelf their own cheaper danish spreadable butter type stuff,meaning you end up buying the ,no doubt more profitable Lurpak or the morrisons 'lite' version which is crap.

Be careful out there people :suspect:

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some of the stocking stuff i'd say is very much about sales and kinda scamish. but its the whole thing of where products are placed aswell tbh is the main thing.


for the danish spreadable thing it will simply be that they will probably order 3 or 4times as much of the expensive stuff to the cheap. however it could just be bad ordering in which case its completely the department managers fault.(or scam to get sales up)

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