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The Milestone Restaurant - your opinions.


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First thing's first, this is not a Michelin starred restaurant, it doesn't even feature in the Good Food Guide. I think it is a sad state of affairs that The Milestone is being touted in this thread as being up with very best the city has to offer. It is indicative of the paucity of top class cuisine in Sheffield. I went with a party of 16 for the christmas menu at £35 /head having heard a lot of buzz about the place. The menu itself with its amuse bouches, pallette cleansers and guinea fowls, gallontines, and raviolis certainly talked a good Michelin talk. We were all very excited by how the food looked on paper, but unfortunately the proof was in the eating.


First impressions- we sat down, the friend sitting next to me discovered broken glass on her seat that if undiscovered would have been a particularly unpleasant apparatif. The aforementioned amouse bouche were pleasant enough- pigs in blankets and fried stuffing balls, but that was it good as it got for the next 4 hours. 45 minutes passed before our cold starters arrived (despite us giving the restaurant a weeks notice of our orders)- a slab of terrine with a streak of balsamic. The level of preperation required to serve this up was minimal, if not already pre-prepared, how it took an hour to make the short distance from the kitchen to the table was baffling.


Another hour past, and those of us who ordered the Guinea Fowl and ravioli could see our meals overcooking under the hotlamps at the pass as the kitchen tried to co-ordinate our party's other orders. They understandably wanted to bring everyone's mains out at the same time, but this meant the poor poultry kept cooking away under those lamps. When it was finally served up, the meat was dry as a bone, the ravioli had taken on a rubbery leather like texture, the sauce had split, and the vegetables managed to achieve a mushy consistency despite all the moisture having evaporated. Extraordinary. A further hour passed before our cold profiteroles were served. Again, the delay was mystifying, the dessert was clearly pre-prepared, the only cooking required was to heat the chocolate sauce, which incidentally they neglected to do.


In fairness to them, they realised what a pigs ear they had made of our experience and refunded the guinea fowl dishes and gave us a free bottle of wine. Nevertheless, I can't remember having had a poorer meal out in my life. At £35/ head, you expect a lot, lot more. This was terribly executed, badly managed, inedible, horrendous value for money. I hope they pull it round- Sheffield needs more restaurants who can competently put together dishes that The Milestone's menus allude to.

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I do think the £35/head special evenings they do are very poor value for money. Sounds like they got completely overwhelmed with the size of your party and no doubt the others they had that evening.


As been shown in previous posts, many have had great food there and I love the early bird menu.

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I appreciate that we were a big party, though we were ordering from a limited set menu, we gave them a weeks notice as to what we would be eating and only one course required cooking (the mains). I hope we were an exception rather than the rule because I wouldn't want to wish that experience on any one.

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Heard mixed reviews about the place so tried it for myself after work about three weeks ago. Ate downstairs in the Gastro Pub part, which was quite nice early on around 6ish. Food was really nice and the real ale was nice too. Had a look at the fine dining menu but was not overly impressed especially the portion size, I want to eat my food not create a mini picture on a plate! I will go back to the pub though.

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Heard mixed reviews about the place so tried it for myself after work about three weeks ago. Ate downstairs in the Gastro Pub part, which was quite nice early on around 6ish. Food was really nice and the real ale was nice too. Had a look at the fine dining menu but was not overly impressed especially the portion size, I want to eat my food not create a mini picture on a plate! I will go back to the pub though.


Yeah but 5 courses of slightly smaller servings is more than enough - surely?

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  • 2 months later...

Just thought I'd bring this one back to life....!


I went again last night to eat in the restaurant. Again, fantastic food and great service.


Had the lamb - Rack of lamb, boned and rolled belly, wild garlic puree, wilted spinach and trompette jus. It was the best lamb dish I have had in years. Bloody lovely.


Those of you who haven't tried this place yet, go!

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Claret, I ate there last night too - downstairs though - must have been downstairs while you were upstairs!! As always absolutely outstanding - I had the lamb burger and the other half had a dish which was new to us (unusual as we are such regulars!) - the mixed grill. A delicious assortment of meats, fantastically cooked, accompanied by superb cocktails, could not have asked for anything more.

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Claret, I ate there last night too - downstairs though - must have been downstairs while you were upstairs!! As always absolutely outstanding - I had the lamb burger and the other half had a dish which was new to us (unusual as we are such regulars!) - the mixed grill. A delicious assortment of meats, fantastically cooked, accompanied by superb cocktails, could not have asked for anything more.


ha ha - small world! I'll have to give the pub section a go one day. Also haven't tried any of these 'ere cocktails yet!

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I live quite close to the milestone and have eaten there on quite a few occasions, but only in the downstairs part. Almost every time it has been fantastic. Every once in a while it isnt up to the usual standard, HOWEVER this can happen anywhere you go. It has been so few and far between that it never particularly bothers me when it isnt quite up to scratch. The other positive about this place for me is the service, which is simply fantastic.


I always recommend this place to people, and just by writing this now it is making me want to go there tonight.......:hihi::hihi:

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