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Toys ,games and goodies from the ghost of Christmas past.

echo beach

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Just to follow on with all the tacky stuff, who had plasticine? a painting set and latterly painting by numbers? the mobile sweet shop with minitiature jars of spice? I remember a beautiful Hamlin's bible (great being Jewish!!) had lovely illustrations. The finest thing for me were the full nurses uniforms from Redgates. Had these for three years running to keep up with me size. Complete with carry case and plastic instruments, watch and bonnett with red cross on. The dog had more bandaged legs and plasters than what you could buy at Raymond Halls. Having trained later on as an SRN however, it stood me in good stead.

My brother got a bona fide mini tool / carpenters set made by Spear & Jackson. (It'd be lethal today!) There were chisels, hammer, saw plus chippies ruler & pencil. Theres an old coffee table in't shed which still bears the scars of some enthusiatic impromptu sawing. There was even a child's set of denim overalls to go with it.


Can't help feeling us 60's kids got far more enjoyment from much less of what's around today. Happy times!

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Clockwork Train set

Building set that came with panels and girders - was it called Architext?

Dan Dare radio Set - another one!

Johhny Seven Gun - took years of pestering to get that!

Scooter with blow up tyres and brake

Pedal Car with headlights

Spinning Top with coloured discs that made patterns when it turned

Kaledescope - played for hours with that

Meccano - how many cranes can you make for goodness sake!!

Hornby Dublo Train set - three rail track so giving my age away

Beano, Dandy, Rupert Bear Annuals - and when old enough (much to Dad's delight) the Eagle Annual

Always some clockwork toy - like a roller coaster or cars/spaceship thingies that ran on a track - onen that I do clearly remember was 'Traffic Control' - four cars that wound up and ran on a metal town of roads and junctions - neat thing was that you could start and stop the cars at the junctions by pressing various buttons - A couple of years ago I came across this again on ebay and bought it - still have it and get it out for a 'play' now and again (sad I know) - will probably give it to my new grand daughter when she is old enough.

MArx Space Ship - weird gyroscope thing that did all sorts of wonderful things (saw one on Ebay not long ago and bidding was up in the £100's!!)

Drum - my guess not bought by Mum and Dad but well meaning (or sadistic) friend or relative - I distinctly recall Dad shouting at me to put the bl**y thing down after I had marched up and down for hours round the room pretending I was the best milatary drummer in the world.

Magic Robot that you could 'ask' a question and it would answer it - (finally worked out the 'secret')

Wooden Fort and Soldiers (I think this was my Dad's from when he was a nipper)

Helicopter thingy that worked by turning a handle on a little box - this was linked to the helicopter by a cable which made the rotors spin and take off

Water Powered rockets - filled a rocket with water and attached it to a bicycle pump type thingy and pumped air into the rocket - pulled a trigger and up it went, soaking you in the process - looking back now I realise how bloody dangerous it was - if you were stood over it when that went off you could have easlily lost an eye.




....and the following year I got.......only kidding!!...the above was what springs to mind from a whole series of Christmases that are now blending into one image - no longer can separate the years.


....but I do remember when I started to get Airfix kits - but Dad 'showing' me how to put them together!! - took me some time to realise they were his toys really


..always an orange in the pillow case, together with a bag of 'gold' coins (chocolate) and a selection box.


Looking at that list it does seem a lot, and there is stuff I know I cannot remember, but my excuse was that I was an only child for the first eight years of my life, but had loads of relatives who bought me pressies - my early memories was our living room was always packed with lots of loud people over Christmas - I used to take myself off with a fovourite toy and hide under the dining table - especially when one of the aunts came round demanding kisses!!


.....and despite all of that "stuff" - I can clearly remember one year going for a walk with my favourite Aunty - and collecting some Pine Cones - she taught me how to carefully paint them with silver paint and give them to Mum as a pressie - and how moved Mum was...tears welling up even now as she only passed away this year....she hung those pine cones on her tree right up to last christmas...long after all the stuff I had bought her had long since hit the rubbish bins - together with a carboard Santa which hung on the wall and as far as I know was on her wall when she was a girl back in the 30's - we all need Christmas memories like that


....oh ..don't forget the box of dates!! - come on tell me...who the hell really eats them???


johnnie seven i had one of those not many people remember them

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