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Did you go in cyrils or goffs in darnall

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Goffs was the only place (I think) that you could buy 1 fag and 1 match!


He used to sell shots of Vimto and another drink red in colour like a rasperry thing


In summer he used to make ice lollies from the stuff as well


We used to go up the park and annoy the parkies by sinking the rowing boats


The fair used to be a great event

and sledging on camels hump in the winter

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a bunch of us used to go into cyrils cafe (just on from t' meadow pub)in about 1972/3.


can't really remember goffs,but we also used to go in the pavillion for sasparilla,that woody sort of liqorice,and other sweeties:clap:


do you remember the massive draughts set next to the pavillion that you had to play using poles with hooks on the end? and sliding on the iced up boating lake in winter? (i remember going through the ice and ending up with pneumonia:mad: )


phew, where did the years go???




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Hey guys I used to go in goffs at the bottom of The Camels Hump and Olivers Mount. They made candy floss and a penny vimpto. you could watch them make the candy floss and it took forever. And I know who you idiots are that used to sink the rowing boats!!! You must be about 50 now?

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the licorice stick was called arrowroot and we got 2 for a ha penny. I loved the big draughs board but never had any money to play so had to settle on watching others. Did you pick blackberries in the woods and steal the wandering golf balls?

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hi exhatter

i never sank any paddle boats(i'm a good lad i am:thumbsup: honest)anyhow i'm too young at 47 yrs:clap:


never did play draughts:(


when the woods were being cleared for the parkway,a bunch of us went to investigate a tractor when the workmen had gone home,well one clown got it started-about ten kids hanging off the thing,he ran it into a barbed wire fence and it pulled the wooden posts up one by one,panicking,we all jumped off and ran, christ only knows where it ended up:rolleyes:


another time we were in the woods,we found a bees nest in a hole in the ground,whilst peering down some clown (never did find out who!) dropped a rock down,out came the very angry bees and we all got stung (i copped two, back of head & thumb)


little snippets of memory keep popping back into my head after reading this thread :clap:



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