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Too loud at The Boardwalk?


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It's usually certain frequencies that cause the problem not the volume although I do remember when I first took over at the Boardwalk 10 years or so ago a band we booked regularly were The Hoax and they really were LOUD. After many years in the business I'm used to it ( notice I didn't say a bit deaf ) but I did find them unbearably loud. I remember during their last gig with us before they split I was trying to speak to someone but it was hopeless so we went outside and we still had to shout! Great band though with a huge following. Anybody reading this who was a fan may be interested to know that one of the main men in The Hoax, Jon Amor, is making a welcome return to our venue with his new band on April 13th.


Jakes comment is interesting. He, like many others, thinks of us as now a mainly tribute band venue. We do over 320 shows a year and only 30 or so of those are tribute nights, roughly 10% obviously. Having said that it was always our intention, in the early days, to be a purely " original " venue but we gave gigs to one or two tributes as favours to friends who were in bands and it became clear that there was a huge demand so it made financial sense to do regular shows. We now book some of the most successful tribute bands in the UK and you may be interested to know that all the bands that play the Rhodes Rock Festival now play the Boardwalk on a regular basis. Their success means we can continue booking some of the more, shall we say obscure bands we're well known for ( who was it called us a maverick venue with an adventurous booking policy? ) and keep supporting local bands that are just starting out.


I must admit the decision to include more tributes in our programming wasn't purely financial though. Admittedly one or two bands start believing they're the real thing but the majority do it very much tongue in cheek and their shows are huge fun, the one that springs immediately to mind being the Rollin' Stoned. Their shows are over 2 hours long containing most of the early hits and with band members called Mick Jaguar ( as seen on Stars in Their Eyes ), Byron Jones, Keith Wretched ( he actually fooled the real Keiths mum ), Charlie Waits, Bill Whymandy ( remember BW married Mandy somebody or other? ), Mick Wailor and Nicky Popkins you know it's going to be more than just a night of good music.


Just a thought, the current Dr Feelgood line up doesn't have one original member so are they really Dr Feelgood or should they call themselves a tribute?


Thanks to everyone for supporting our venue.

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