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Drink drive campaign initial results

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Drink driving initiatives are so much more than the small amount of drivers that they actually stop. Imagine how many folk don't get pulled over but think "Sheeeit! I'm a bit dodgy this morning ........ I'd beter lay off it".


The scare tactic aspect works like a charm and to be honest I'm glad for it, The roads are populated with assholes who are intent on killing me ..... I'd perfer it if they were actually sober

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Well thats clearly what they want you to think so the campaign stats clearly work for you and that can only be a good thing.


Hopefully you will have a charmed life and no need to make any demands of the spare police time devoted to the 99 percent of the innocents and will not be a victim of those drink drivers who slipped past the random pull.


Next year they may expend even more man hours on random pulling and thereby guarantee that the stats will be even less percentage wise so you will be happier still.


Me ....... im just an old fashioned catch the guilty in the most efficient cost effective way possible sort of chap and dont really care much for stats and cliches.

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Are you an expert in missing the point, ill try and simplify it.


If the surplus time and manpower used to apprehend the innocent were targeted at the known guilty or the more likely guilty then the figures in time and money spent would yield more arrests and more "cretins" as you like to call them off the road.


Now wouldnt that be a better investment and the knock on effect is more available police to do other things - how cool is that ?


Cool if you were right. Unfortunately you are wrong.

It's not just the cretins they catch but the not quite so stupid who would do it if these things did not happen.

I've heard many a comment in boozers from idiots who would drink and drive but were scared of being caught. The fact they may kill some poor sod eludes them but the idea of losing their licence is horrific.

As I said, cretins. :)

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Well id just prefer them to catch more and scare less cos i think the catching has a greater effect on the ones being scared.


It works as you say in the same way that neighbourhoood watch scares burglars and fine threats stop dogs crapping but hey if you are happy with such scary policies preventing crimes then who am i to argue,

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Well id just prefer them to catch more and scare less cos i think the catching has a greater effect on the ones being scared.


It works as you say in the same way that neighbourhoood watch scares burglars and fine threats stop dogs crapping but hey if you are happy with such scary policies preventing crimes then who am i to argue,


I hope these people are not just scared but crapping themselves.

That way they will be less inclined to do it.

Stuff them.


It's jolly nice out here. A drunk driver that causes and accident is very likely to get a beating from passes by. When the cops roll in, he gets another from them if he complains.

I did see one when I first arrived here. The idiot knocked a couple of lasses off a small motorbike. He was spared the beating but the cops were a lot less than gentle with him as the literally dragged him to the police van by the feet. He was so drunk he fell out of his car so it was a handy way to get him over the road to where the van was parked. Bet that gave him a worse headache than the hangover. Drinking and driving is guaranteed prison time here so, when he did sober up, he would have had another headache to consider.

There are very few that drink and drive here. Guess why.

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  • 3 months later...
From the BBC news website




Initial results from the frist 3 weeks of the clampdown on drink driving show just over 23,000 being stopped and breathalysed.


Only 177 were found over the limit or refused to give a sample. And a further 5 were found to have tested positive for drugs.


I'm totally opposed to drink driving, but I can't help thinking that the large number of stops and the low number of positive tests suggests that the problem is either not as widespread as believe or it is not a major problem around Christmas.


That does seem to be a lot of effort for very little gain.


Mind, I suppose they'll say that the fact that they advertised they were doing it may have caused many to alter their drinking habits.


It would be interesting to know how much the campaign cost, given the cutbacks and tough times we're all enduring.


Still, at least 177 drivers won't be drunk behind the wheel of their car for a while, at least.


You wouldn't be so casual about it if a car crashed into your car because its driver was over the limit.

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You wouldn't be so casual about it if a car crashed into your car because its driver was over the limit.


Hey, dig up an old post, why don't you (if you can't win one argument, switch to another!)


You're not a woman, are you?


The results suggest the likelihood of that happening are considerably less than they used to be and South Yorks Pol have spent a decent chunk of money proving it.


Noiw, if you don't mind, I'm applying for a chunk of money from the govt to prove grass grows and sometimes it grows quicker in the Summer than it does in the Winter.

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Hey, dig up an old post, why don't you (if you can't win one argument, switch to another!)


You're not a woman, are you?


The results suggest the likelihood of that happening are considerably less than they used to be and South Yorks Pol have spent a decent chunk of money proving it.


Noiw, if you don't mind, I'm applying for a chunk of money from the govt to prove grass grows and sometimes it grows quicker in the Summer than it does in the Winter.


Try David Cameron he likes grass.


(ps he has a large lawn in his Oxfordshire house)

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Try David Cameron he likes grass.


(ps he has a large lawn in his Oxfordshire house)



Libel - written, no proof. Do you want me to notify the Tory party?


Or do you want to take a chance that no one will care about the accusations your are making on this forum?

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Libel - written, no proof. Do you want me to notify the Tory party?


Or do you want to take a chance that no one will care about the accusations your are making on this forum?


You took that out of context. I specifically went on to say i was refering to the size of his lawn. What is libelous about that?

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