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What protection should bar/club visitors expect from other guests?


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Out on Friday night, I was stood with a male friend, who for medical reasons was not in a fit state to get in any fight for me, but maybe naively, it didn't even occur that he might need to. Neither of us look for or enjoy conflict.


We were stood together minding our own, obviously a couple, when a drunk slides along the bar towards us. I gave him an unapproving look, as I didn't want his attention.


He comes over and grabs at my crotch and I tell him not to <removed> touch me like that again. I was shocked and upset and felt vulnerable. We were right in front of the bar, but bar staff didnt appear to take any notice.


He assaulted me again, quite unforgivingly, so I pushed him and tried to slap him and ended up in a struggle. Eventually bouncers pulled him off me.


A lady came and asked me if I was ok and said she'd seen how he'd kind of pinned me back etc and said he'd be thrown out... I thought at the time she worked there, and I was grateful for her concern.


They asked us to move, so I headed right away from the door, so if they told him to leave, he didn't have to pass us, I was dragging my friend and wondered why he was resisting so I looked back and the bouncers were not just asking us to move away, they were escorting US out!


I couldn't believe it! They weren't even willing to discuss it.


Bearing in mind how drunk he was, and that I was with a male friend, so it was obvious to him that I wasn't 'on the pull' or something, I would have thought that the bouncers should have been able to work out who was likely to be at fault.


I don't understand why they took the action they did, or what they stood to achieve???


The message this sends out to men who behave like that, is go ahead... enjoy, do your worst!


The message this sent me was that women going there who weren't willing to be sexually assaulted are not welcome and would be treated as such.


To be quite honest, I'm still mad and am thinking about checking out my rights with the Council Liscensing Board and the police as I don't think licensees who have this attitude should be allowed to operate as it isn't in the interests of public safety.


What I'd like to hear is whether this is how bouncers usually operate, or if mine was a one off unlucky experience, are there places who protect their female patrons more or less than others?

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Sounds like you've been sexually assaulted and the club (which you have chosen not to name) has decided that in some way you were responsible for what has happened and has ejected you.


I'm a male but if I had been in your shoes - and sober - I'd have been on to the old bill pronto.


You've also reminded me why I avoid these awful places.


I wish you luck.


PS. Even if you were 'on the pull', that doesn't give anyone the right to touch you in the way this piece of vermin did.

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If you decided you wanted to take this further then the venue would more than likely have CCTV pointed at the bar area. Any form of sexual assault would be recorded and could be used as evidence. The police have the right to request this recording. Don't leave it too long though, venues don't tend to keep recordings for very long.

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To be quite honest, I'm still mad and am thinking about checking out my rights with the Council Liscensing Board and the police as I don't think licensees who have this attitude should be allowed to operate as it isn't in the interests of public safety.


What I'd like to hear is whether this is how bouncers usually operate, or if mine was a one off unlucky experience, are there places who protect their female patrons more or less than others?


I am a member of the Licensing Board.


You should make a complaint to the police about being sexually assaulted.


The police should investigate including looking at any relevant cctv coverage, which may help identify the alleged assailant and may lead to charges being preferred.


If the police have any concerns about the operation of this establishment, particularly if they have cumulative evidence that they may not be meeting the four core licensing objectives, then they can request that the Licensing Board review the license.


If you decided you wanted to take this further then the venue would more than likely have CCTV pointed at the bar area. Any form of sexual assault would be recorded and could be used as evidence. The police have the right to request this recording. Don't leave it too long though, venues don't tend to keep recordings for very long.


It is almost certainly the case that the Licensing Board has made a condition of this establishment's license that they have cctv cameras focussed on the bar area, and that the cctv images are of a resolution which complies with police evidential standards, and that all such images must be retained for a minimum of 28 days.

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What I'd like to hear is whether this is how bouncers usually operate, or if mine was a one off unlucky experience, are there places who protect their female patrons more or less than others?


a bouncers job is to break up fights and take anyone involved in any trouble out the door because once your out the club/pub you are no longer there problem :|

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Hmm, thanks for the advice, though I dont know I want to have my family's Christmas overshadowed by reporting it just now.


See http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=530056 for the club's response... not exactly reassuring!


Casbah has always been an absolute hellhole.


I was once walking passed it when a vicious fight came out of it and on to the street, a poor guy was getting stamped on and kicked like a football. The bouncers just watched and turned a blind eye as it didn't concern them any more. I made a comment comparing them to a chocolate fire-guard and they chased me down the road.


On the other side of things, was having a drink outside Bar 23 and a fight started over the Plaza area... The doorman went straight over to split them up even though it had nothing to do with them or the bar.

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Thanks for the advice, I have an action plan, and a new bar to try! :)


Good luck samstyles,The Casbah has become a <removed>hole and i would have thought the H.S.E would have a field day in there,especially now the Grosvenhor is closed. Shame 4/5 years ago it was a top nite out.

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