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Where do they sell 'real' cider in Sheffield city centre?

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Where can I get a "real" cider from in the city centre?...looking for some 'hardcore' cider to plan a rather special "cider crawl" next week for some rather hardened old real cider drinkers visiting from Cornwall. They have a particular loathing of the Blackthorn and Strongbow mass produced stuff, and I dont blame them at all for that!


Ideally a selection of 5 or more pubs/bars, and the more obscure name and cloudy appearance the better are my instructions!!!! Anyone found some 'hardcore' ciders in Sheffield?

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Devonshire Cat usually has a couple, and some of the Wetherspoons normally have one on (Westons I think).

They usually have Old Rosie and a perry on at the Gardeners Rest.

The Kelham Island Tavern always has some - it had three on this weekend (one red, one green and one pale :cool: ) and the Fat Cat usually has one or two.

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My Partner makes his own brew which he calls cider but it never sees an apple. He brews it to wine strength and it has a pretty hefty kick.

It's cloudy to but mixed with orange juice it makesa good buck fizz.

He brews it for just over £3 per, 5 gallon barrel,? which makes his dinking pretty cheap and he knows exactly what goes into it.


Bit late for you to start though goldenfleese.


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Cha Chas has traditional cider connected to one of the handpumps.


Lloyds No1 bar on Division Street and the Bankers Draft both have a choice of two Westons Ciders (look in the fridge for the box wih a tap in).


Devonshire Cat has a couple of ciders although they are fairly expensive.

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