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The York pub, Broomhill - now closed - what is going to happen to it?


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Ah, I didn't know the York had closed! I spent many a happy hour or five in there last year. It was just more interesting than other pubs in broomhill. Nicer staff, etc. my favourite memory is probaly seeing the two guys from record collector (who always seemd to be there) playing nonstop games of pool, conect 4 and Buckaroo simultanously and getting hammered at the same time. Brilliant. I had to come on here to share that. Is record collector still going btw?

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Great - I like the Forum et al and it will be good to have somewhere independent up there with a cafe bar atmosphere. I work in Broomhill and the only options are Broomhill Tav - with seriously dull, bad and unhealthy food, or The Place with bad food and slow service. A forum type place will be perfect for a trip to the pub at lunch.

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Lots of different stories heard; some say there's a covenant that it can't be a pub in future; others say there's an existing covenant that says there has to be a bar on the ground floor; some say the pub was closing because of lack of trade; others say it was closing regardless.


No truth known from what's been said on here.


My best guess - upstairs to be flats, ground floor to be restaurant with a bar area.


Why it closed - who knows; GF says it was going anyway, but on the last night his partner said that if the pub was as full as then on a regular basis, it wouldn't be closing. At least, that's what she said to me.


close, very close.....

and no, I cant say anymore as im about a week behind...


Told ya :razz:

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No you didn't. You said you knew what was going to happen, but then didn't tell us - but as soon as I saw you had made the last post I knew it'd say 'told you so' :(


Don't worry, you're quite right, but some people like to up their status by pretending they know stuff, as though it makes them interesting or important :)

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No you didn't. You said you knew what was going to happen, but then didn't tell us - but as soon as I saw you had made the last post I knew it'd say 'told you so' :(


Don't worry, you're quite right, but some people like to up their status by pretending they know stuff, as though it makes them interesting or important :)


If you look back, I quoted someone who said that something similar was going to happen and I said "very close"


I then said I couldnt say anymore, as I hadnt been to work for a few days so didnt know anything more...I did know WHAT was going to happen, but plans must have changed, as its a different company to the one I was told about..

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If you look back, I quoted someone who said that something similar was going to happen and I said "very close"


I then said I couldnt say anymore, as I hadnt been to work for a few days so didnt know anything more...I did know WHAT was going to happen, but plans must have changed, as its a different company to the one I was told about..


I can't be bothered looking back to be honest. You seem to be explaining yourself that you didn't actually tell us anything, despite your recent claim to have done so. You 'knowing' what was going to happen (all be it with a mistake with the minor detail of who was doing it) is not the same as you telling us what was going to happen.

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