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Christmas time sickness - is there a bug going around?


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My self and rest of my family seem to be gettin struck down 1 by 1 by sickness over the last few days, Is it just us or is there something going around?


Could be the Norovirus, known as the Winter vomitting virus. Its very prevelant at this time of the year, and hospital wards have been closed because of it.

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My self and rest of my family seem to be gettin struck down 1 by 1 by sickness over the last few days, Is it just us or is there something going around?


Hope you're all feeling better? If not is it D&V? If so, it could be Norovirus as Pattricia mentioned.

If anyone still has symptoms, try to make sure that they are drinking plenty to prevent them getting dehydrated especially the elderly and children. Plain water or something like dioralyte (from the chemists) is best or any liquid foods. Anyone with symptoms shouldn't handle food if it can be avoided and washing hands after the toilet or being sick is really important. Also toilets and sinks should be cleaned frequently with a bleach solution including the door handles and any touch surfaces and anyone with symptoms should use a separate towel.

Hope you're all over it soon.

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Heh, its been all round the Squirrel household over the last few days.


I was the first to come down with it on the evening of the 30th, i was wiped out for the entire of NYE and started to come back to life around lunchtime on the 1st. On the 2nd, Mrs S came down with it and then little S on the evening of the 2nd.

The sickness tends to last about 6 hours from first 'hurling' and the diarrhea about 12-18hrs though it 'slows' after the first 6 or so. After that, you tend to be drained of all energy and just want to sleep. I slept all the way through NYE but by waking around 10am on the 1st, i felt pretty normal again. Again my 'movements' were mirrored almost identically by the rest of the family, they were ill on Saturday evening...slept all day Sunday and are back to normal today.


Good advice has been given above, take plenty fluids but avoid milk (although i downed 2 pints of milkshake and did me no harm) avoiding food wont hurt for a day or so but if you can face and desire food, make it easily digestible food (soups etc)

Wash hands and toilets/sinks/worktops etc thoroughly, avoid handling food and when you start to pick up, wash all your clothes and bed linen and have a general good clean up.


The first few hours are rotten, after that its quite relaxing and not too unpleasant :D


P.S. Try to avoid contact with other people for at least 24hrs after being 'clear' of all symptoms.

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