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A quick introduction - hello fellow writers!


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Hi guys,

I have been writing for around six years or so - first was a self-help book, then a script for a play, and most recently I have just finished my first novel.

I love writing, but it is such a slow process, especially when trying to juggle time with a fulltime job and a busy family life (the novel took three and a half years in total).


Having said that, I am very excited because a publisher has picked up my first book!! I did self-publish it a while back (and sold a grand total of 35 copies...), but am chuffed to bits that it has finally made it.


Is it alright if I put details on here?



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Thanks Mantaspook.


I have posted under the entertainment forum, as I thought it was probably the best place. So far has attracted a few replies, from the congrats to the what qualifies you to comment etc.




I did start off writing a a form of therapy, however was encouraged by another writer to take the short articles that I had put together, and go write a book instead! It took a long time, and when eventually finished, was rejected by every single agent and publisher that I tried, which were all of the ones that expressed an interest in self-help.


To be honest I had given up, convinced that it just wasn't good enough (self-belief is so difficult when writing!), then by chance I happened across a so called social enterprise called Chipmunka Publishing, who class themselves as The Mental Health Publishers. I dusted off the manuscript, sent it away and was astonished and thrilled to get a positive response!


I still am astonished and thrilled, to tell the truth.




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