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What can I do in my free time? Im 17; any ideas where to meet nice guys?


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Originally posted by DaveJames

Honey, you shouldn't be going out at your age.


Stay at home, learn to sew and cook.


Then when you do meet a good man, you'll already be fully trained in the art of housekeeping.


In fact... when I'm prime minister, these will be skills installed in all young women. And learning to pole dance as well.


Building a better Britain. Bring it on.


OK......... so what did u do wen u were my age? hun im already trained in the "art of housekeeping"and im not just going to skip along playing barbies and with a skipping roop ohh i don't forget lego and watching t.v. I'm 17 not a little kid so i think i should go out, anyone else agree? You need to live life at this age not stay cooped up in the house

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Kerry Lou -


A fab and fun way of meeting nice men is to volunteer your time in one of sheffield's many volunteer projects. It will fill your time, do something good for your community, give you new skills and confidence, look good on your CV, and you may meet some genuinely nice people (male and female) along the way!

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