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The new 101 telephone service

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according to some sourcers that i have heard this service now that it is proving popular and took over 7,000 calls in august and more expected for this month from early 2007 this service is to be extnded to rotherham, barnsley and doncatser.


and by 2010 should be available across the uk,


so as anyone ever had to use this service and is it good or not?

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erm its 10p a call and to report minor crime and aggravation.. if something is happening that needs attention straight away you still call 999.


Similar to the Golden Line which ran in north sheffield, they take details of incidents and get around to it eventually. Its more of an intelligence gathering service than responsive.

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erm its 10p a call and to report minor crime and aggravation.. if something is happening that needs attention straight away you still call 999.


Similar to the Golden Line which ran in north sheffield, they take details of incidents and get around to it eventually. Its more of an intelligence gathering service than responsive.



thanks for the info mate :)

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according to some sourcers that i have heard this service now that it is proving popular and took over 7,000 calls in august and more expected for this month from early 2007 this service is to be extnded to rotherham, barnsley and doncatser.


and by 2010 should be available across the uk,


so as anyone ever had to use this service and is it good or not?


I used it and got a crime number for vandalism to my car. You can't use 999 unless it's happening at that time. It's easier than the normal police number - you aren't left hanging on for ages. An officer even rang to tell me it's been passed on to local police, not that it will catch anyone!

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Bloody useless!


I reported a crime happening at the time and the officer's didn't turn up until 4-5 hours after. And when the got there "some" of the individuals who had committed the crime were hanging out side my property, only for the police to roll up and shout "Number XX?, Mr XXXX, you reported such and such happening?" in front of em.



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according to some sourcers that i have heard this service now that it is proving popular and took over 7,000 calls in august and more expected for this month from early 2007 this service is to be extnded to rotherham, barnsley and doncatser.


and by 2010 should be available across the uk,


so as anyone ever had to use this service and is it good or not?


Wasn't it rolled out nationally a few months ago?


I reported a crime happening at the time


That's what 999 is for.

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