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The new 101 telephone service

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Just call 999, ask for police - Job done


Stupid comment. 999 is for life and death emergencies. For crimes in progress, immediate danger or violence.


NO they should not just ring 999 instead. moron.


101 is non emergencies. Just like the equivalent of the old police switchboard of 2202020. IF there is a problem, complaints can be raised through the SYP website and there is also list of alternative numbers on this link... http://www.police.uk/contact/#alternative-numbers

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NO they should not just ring 999 instead. moron.


Coming from a long family of 999 answering service, 101 is a crock of **** - it's not for Joe Public to decide what's an emergency - it's for a trained officer.


Noob ? The cap fits in your context ;-)

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This was some idiot riding a monkey bike at speed up and down a public footpath and onto pavements on and off for about an hr. I gave up at ten minutes on hold a few times.

It is ridiculous to offer a non emergency service that you cant actually contact on the day the non emergency but potentially life threatening incident is happening.

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Coming from a long family of 999 answering service, 101 is a crock of **** - it's not for Joe Public to decide what's an emergency - it's for a trained officer.


Noob ? The cap fits in your context ;-)


999 is to dial in an EMERGENCY, if you dont know what one of those is, or need to be told god help you

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This was some idiot riding a monkey bike at speed up and down a public footpath and onto pavements on and off for about an hr. I gave up at ten minutes on hold a few times.

It is ridiculous to offer a non emergency service that you cant actually contact on the day the non emergency but potentially life threatening incident is happening.


Potentially life threatening but NON emergency. Which one is it? How the hell can it be both?


Crime in progress that may be dangerous and threat to someone's life. Hmmm. What should one do about that? I wonder who I should call.


Seriously? Im sorry but is that really what people have become. Do we really need a spoon fed guide of what is and what isn't deemed urgent enough for a 999 call.


Well thank god somebody has wasted their time and produced one.



The police should only be called on 999 when:

There is a danger to life or a risk of injury being caused imminently. Examples include serious road accidents, assaults or serious disorders.

A crime is in progress. Examples include assault, burglary, and theft or if an offender is still on scene, or has just left the scene.

Police attendance is required immediately such as to prevent a breach of peace, someone acting suspiciously or someone who is about to commit an offence.

Non-emergency calls – When to call the 101 number:

This number should be used for all other enquires, advice on police matters and to report crimes which have already happened, where there is no sign of an offender.


Everybody please for the sake of our children. Oh god won't someone think of the children. Study the above and absorb so we can all avoid disaster.

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