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The new 101 telephone service

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Anyone who has had to suffer noise nuisance from neighbours can tell you there's no quick fix. Its one of the most stressful things to have to live with, but no action will be taken until you, and possibly other neighbours have gathered some evidence. If the people making the noise are in rented property then they will likely be in breach of their tenancy agreement, but getting the landlord to sort things out won't happen quickly. If they own their home then the council (Environmental services) will eventually get involved, but again evidence, usually in the form of a diary, will be needed. All 101 can advise is the process.


Oh for the old days, when the local bobby would drop in with a warning, and if it was a civilised party, the music would get turned down and he'd probably have a drink before going on his way!


I just hope this is a one off for you, I've had the problem and know what its like. I've also dealt with tenants at their wits end from it happening regularly. I think the politicians need to come and live at the sharp end for a few months, I'm sure they'd be looking to get the police involved again!

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I I am 32 weeks pregnant. to say i wasn't happy is an understatement. I wasn't going to go round as my estate is the type where i would end up getting my windows put through.

:help: :help: :help:


Yes these days, it seems, you'd have to be willing to get yourself

[and your unborn] beaten up by them in order to secure a quick police response. :loopy:

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I have a similar problem, and I was considering calling 101 but I won't bother if they can't help, but it seems there is nothing we can do about it. I don't want to approach the neighbours because they don't seem like nice people really. The neighbour on the other side has complained before, he doesn't like them. He was in our garden chatting to us and the woman came out of her house and started shouting at him, accusing him of being a paedophile.

I thought about being noisy to annoy them, see if they complain, because we are homeowners and can't be evicted, but its just not me.

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fingers crossed!!


i think they might own the house too, so it wont be as easy as getting landlord to evict them.


Surely you're over reacting a tad, I appreciate your pregnant and tired and need rest but as you said this was a one off its just one night while their parents are away and you're thinking of getting them evicted from their house??? Bearing in mind you didn't even go round/telephone them and politely ask them to keep it down they probably weren't even aware they were keeping you up!

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they probably weren't even aware they were keeping you up!


I'm sorry but you can't play music that loud and expect your neighbours not to be able to hear it! I am fed up of my neighbours playing loud music, they really don't need it have it that loud.

Most people have the common sense and decency not to play music that loud, but obviously not my neighbours. Neither do they have the common sense to not do the hoovering whilst they are playing their music as they did this morning.

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see above link for what CAN be done about nuisance neighbours


Still doesn't deliver a quick result. People may get good support, but a housing organisation won't take a case to court without substantial evidence, and that takes time. Its much better if people are forewarned about the length of time the process takes. Even in the first case quoted on the link, it took 9 months from the tenant being served with an order to eviction. If she'd behaved reasonably she would have kept her home. Don't know how long the noise was going on before the order was served but I reckon her neighbours must have had a year of hell.


It also sounds as if the people making the noise are homeowners, in which case I don't think Sheffield Homes would get involved, or have they changed their practices?

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Its not the case that housing organisations won't take a case to court without substantial evidence, its more realistic to say they CAN'T take a case to court without substantial evidence.


As court action is the last resort, as well as eviction being the ultimate sanction available to the social landlord, housing organisations are obliged to demonstrate to the court that the action is both justified and reasonable. This means giving the nuisance household several warnings and explaining to them why their behaviour is in breach of tenancy conditions. This way people have a chance to modify their behaviour. Occasionally making people aware that they are causing a nuisance is enough to nip the problem in the bud, though not in the vast majority of cases. Sometimes it is necessary to put support measures in place in order to help the household modify their behaviour.


All this needs to be done before seeking an eviction. Court cases are expensive and it is important to make sure every step has been taken to modify behaviour, otherwise the court will not see the action as being reasonable and dismissing the case-the end result being a huge cost to the public purse and no resolution to the original problem.

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I've had this in the past when I lived in Broomhill. Basically, the 101 service and the Police don't want to do anything - they see it as a very low priority.


However, when they tell you the Police can't do anything, they are lying; it's as simple as that.




This shows the Police can attend; truth is, they mainly can't be bothered.



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