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The new 101 telephone service

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It must depend on which operator you get. A few years ago when I lived at Stocksbridge, they had a party a few doors down which was getting louder and louder,at about 1.30am I called police on the 2202020 and they sent a car out and told them to keep the noise down, result!


Stocksbridge and Deepcar have their own beat car that is still controlled from the same control room but does not stray far from that area in case anything that warrants an immediate response (not music) is reported to the police. It may have been that the car did not have much on that night or perhaps, as is the case with some police officers in that area, the police officer knew most of the people in the area and likes to keep it the way it should be.

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Last week I thought I would give it a try because a bunch of youths and youthettes were sat on the benches belonging to oap flats disturbing everyone in the area.

They were drinking shouting and generally having no thought for the residents.

They took the details and I never thought any more about it.

Yesterday I got a call back from them saying the problem had been sorted and if it happened again to let them know.

I'm trying to make two points really.

The call worked and

If they went away that easily perhaps they were misjudged and were just being "young"

Has anyone else had any response from 101.

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I have dialed 101 a few times over our neighbours from hell. Their 12 year old son brings other youth's back and they make our lives hell.Setting fire to our fences, litter and verbal abuse etc. I have always had a good response from this service and believe it or not the police have acted very quickly. Things are not 100% better but at least we can leave our house without feeling intimidated.I think on the whole the 101 service is good.

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I phoned them at two in the morning, when my neighbours where blasting there music out with front door open.They said they would forward it to enviromental health. and that they would receiev the complaint and send a diary out. What use is that when i wanna go asleep now. Musis didnt stop till 4am.And i phoned police who did nothing either. The other time i phoned them was when the street lamp on my front was smoking they sent the councill straight out. x

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Sheshe I am a 101 champion. I liaise closely with our local policing team and any time I have called 101 it has been met with a timely and appropriate response. Thumbs up to the idea.


The downside being this is a trial and the service may be discontinued. :(

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Just to reiterate


101 is for acts of antisocial behaviour and not a 999 emergency. Loud music is an environmental issue and should be dealt with by the council, being stalked on your phone is not a 101 issue and you should report the person directly to the police station.


The 101 team generally disperse groups of ASB young people and other acts which are not deemed urgent.

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