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The new 101 telephone service

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Where abouts was this?


Junction of Eastern Avenue and City Road. I was waiting to turn right onto City Road, just as I got a gap in the traffic and started to pull out, they ran out into the road and kicked the back end of the bike. Luckily I managed to keep it upright and ride away.

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I thought the point of 101 was to charge you for the call, then tell you there's nothing they can do and just point you in the direction of someone else....


It's not about that IMO. 999 is free and the police want this to be an emergency number but many 999 calls are utter garbage. Then you have the local police number (0114 2202020) but many people dont know this number. 101 although doesn't replace this tries to get more people to use this rather than 999. As it's SYP/SCC initiative then it does focus on anti-social behaviour. 101 is 10p a call which is more than fair.

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Why didn't you call 999?


Just what I was going to say.


One of the good things about 101 is that it allows local authorities and the police to identify trouble spots. If they get 10 calls a week about the same thing, then it's worth having a look at.

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I`ve got to say my only exeprience of ringing 101 was last night.

A group of youths have started hanging around our rd, throwing crap round peoples gardens and damaging peoples houses and gardens. Last night I rang 101 and explained the problem, they told me not to go out to them and they would sort it.

In under 10 minutes the police had been and had a word and moved the gang on.

So well done guys, thanks.

At least we know 101 works.

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  • 5 months later...

i called 101 over one hr a go about "adults" (mid to late 20's) lighting aerosol cans on fire i use the would adults very lightly as no adults in my mined would this! well my partner just called back and no-one has been yet when asked why, the lady became very snotty saying the have more important things to see to (thats fair enuf) but when through out the phone call my partner had so repeat himself because she could not hear him because of the loud bangs!!

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