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The new 101 telephone service

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About two hours ago I rang the 101 service to make a complaint about anti social behaviour from some youths who regularly hang out on our street and throw objects at my next door neighbours house (eggs bottles and now snow balls containing stones) so far no one has attended. Now I live on my own and was shaking sooooo much I could hardly talk to the guy on the phone. they youths have gone now - but when i went out to view the damage theyed been swining on my gates damaged my car wing mirror, the front of both houses was a mase of white blotches and my front window - well you couldnt see the lower half of the glass for snow - now some of you might thinks its harmess fun but this isnt harmless fun this is victimisation - my neighbours son used to hang out with these guys all off the manor - he dosnt now infact he was out at his grans tonight and his dad had gone to pick him up leaving his mum in alone to face this - she was as frightened as I was. So far no one has rung me back or called round this service is useless - bobbies on the beat would be better. No wonder youths are cocky and continue to intimidate my neighbours cos nothing has been done about past complaints to this service. Tonight 3 seperate calls were made to this service about this gangs actions on our street.


So fellow forumers - if your lad is about 15 - 17 has been out in a gang of about 12 and you live on the manor, think about it - anti social behaviour is not fun, stop them please before some one gets hurt - we hear about it all the time in the papers fights with gangs were someone gets killed. Cos this is how things start and gradually get worse.

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Ive used 101 twice before and both times found it to be an efficient service, sad to hear they've let you down.


Hope your feeling better now they've dispersed but it really is a shame that these young good for nothings have got nowt better to do than bully someone in their own home.

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Could you have called 999 for that?


I dunno it says on the guidlines 'When a crime is taking place'


But if you've got kids chucking stones at your window and causing criminal damage to your car then..


..I dunno, just a shout.


Probably not, because they'd try and tell you it isn't an emergency. :roll:

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Ive used 101 twice before and both times found it to be an efficient service, sad to hear they've let you down.


Seemed to be quite efficient when I used it christmas day to report the leaking fire hydrant on crookesmoor road near the junction with crookes valley road and barber road.

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