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The new 101 telephone service

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Hi guys - well to date - no visit from police or community warden and both neighbours also called in the incident to 101 and neither have they had a visit or call - just dreadng tonight - hope it wont all be repeated


Did the operator on the 101 service say someone would call and see you or that they would ring you back? What did they tell your neighbours that they would do?


I understand how scarey it must have been for you, but are your expectations based on what you were told would happen? If they come back tonight, try ringing the general police number (0114 2202020) for advice and tell them how frightened you are. However, I hope it doesn't happen again.

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after talking with both neighbours all three calls were told someone would call out


In that case I'd be asking when? If it were me, I'd ring 101 and say that three of you were told someone would call out, could they be more specific and let you know what's happening.


Anti social behaviour really needs to be nipped in the bud, but who by? The police often see it as the responsibility of the council, but they haven't the resources to patrol at night. And so the people who think its good sport to damage property or frighten residents keep on doing it.

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both 101 and 2202020 are useless, the operators do not listen or pass on your comments, I've called many times about lads on motocross bikes, no helmets, registration, insurance, dangerous riding and drinking at same time. tell them not to send a marked vehicle because you can see about 1/2 a mile down our road, and by the time the police have turned the corner and finally arrived at the scene, all the bikes and cans have disappeared into the garage, then they just drive past a bunch of lads stood talking. wonder why we bother with police sometimes?

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Kids throwing snowballs on the manor isnt going to be very high on their list of jobs though. They will be busy dealing with crime and domestic violence incidents first I would imagine. I'm sure someone receiving physical abuse from their partner would expect the police to place their matter above attending yet another snowballing incident.

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A while ago, i rang the police to report some kids chucking stones at the windows of a school near me. I was too far away to say for certain whether even the kids were boys or girls, or the ages etc, or what they were wearing. I was hoping the police would come out at scare them off.


Did they?............ not a chance! they said they would call the DAY AFTER to take a statement and a description of the kids. I said it would be a waste of time, because i couldn't identify them. They said they would come anyway. I waited in, and they didn't turn up. That evening, they rang and said they were sorry, and could they come the following day. I said no, as i was out at work. They then asked me what hours i worked, and where, and said they would call and see me at work. Yes, you've guessed it, they didn't turn up again! - that was the last i heard anything.

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101 is garbage, and like most of the law in this country is somewhat weighted in favour of the villians.


I complained about my non working neighbours who like to listen to loud music until 4am, and you guessed it there is nothing that can be done. As the nusaince was being done inside a home it was not a police matter.


When I asked if it would be quicker and easier for all to give my neighbour a nosebleed, the operator said if I did this I would be liable for a criminal record. In my line of work a criminal record is not good.


So I couldn't do anything, apart from keep a log.


6 weeks later the 101 people asked for my opinions on the service, ie


1) was the phone answered promptly?



2) Was the call taker polite?



3) would you recomend the service to others?

well, erm, as 101 is the only service doing this, I guess I would have to.


4) Is 101 a good service?



5) really?

Well nothing is done about antisocial people


6) Would you use this service in future

I hope not, but I suppose so


Its maddening

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