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The new 101 telephone service

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well guys - last night at 8.30 the little sods were back pounding the properties again with snowballs, i turned off all my lights and rang 101 linked it up to the previous nights incident and they said - we will get some one out to you!!! when I asked? sometime during tonight - guess what am now sat at work and nope no one came. The attack went on for 40 mins and in this time my neighbour shouted at them to pack it in and to move on - they youths responded with verbal, derogerative comments and threatening to kick in the doors!!!!


My neighbour rang me during this incident to see if i was ok, she had also rang 101 and had said if they didnt get some one out her and her boyfriend was going to take matters in to their own hands to which the reply was - yes you guessed it - you could be arrested if you do anything.


So from what I can gather - it is alright to intimidate and threaten people in their own homes but you cannot threaten or intimidate youths in the street!!!!


Any how watch this space

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well guys - last night at 8.30 the little sods were back pounding the properties again with snowballs, i turned off all my lights and rang 101 linked it up to the previous nights incident and they said - we will get some one out to you!!! when I asked? sometime during tonight - guess what am now sat at work and nope no one came. The attack went on for 40 mins and in this time my neighbour shouted at them to pack it in and to move on - they youths responded with verbal, derogerative comments and threatening to kick in the doors!!!!


My neighbour rang me during this incident to see if i was ok, she had also rang 101 and had said if they didnt get some one out her and her boyfriend was going to take matters in to their own hands to which the reply was - yes you guessed it - you could be arrested if you do anything.


So from what I can gather - it is alright to intimidate and threaten people in their own homes but you cannot threaten or intimidate youths in the street!!!!


Any how watch this space


Thats absolutely dreadful. As soon as they started shouting at your neighbour i'd have called 999. It's probably worth seeing if you can film them doing it, then you have some evidence. Keep a log of each time you phone 101 with no response to show them when they eventually make time to see you. If it happens again, do whatever feels right - if thats a 999 call, im sure 99% of people on here would probably agree your doing the right thing.

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This is disgusting.


I'm afraid as soon as the authorities hear the word "snowball", they thnk they can ignore the complaint and no one will kick up a fuss.


Where as the truth is, you might as well be getting rocks hurled at you when they are getting compacted snow and ice and hurling it at you and your windows. At the end of the day, it's not about a bit of fun between kids, it's assault, threatening behaviour and victimisation. We seem to have forgotten so quickly about the woman who took her own life and her daughter's earlier this year, due to such behaviour and being let down by the authorities.

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Kids throwing snowballs on the manor isnt going to be very high on their list of jobs though. They will be busy dealing with crime and domestic violence incidents first I would imagine. I'm sure someone receiving physical abuse from their partner would expect the police to place their matter above attending yet another snowballing incident.


I disagree, this is a crime and is just as important.

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