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The new 101 telephone service

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Our 101 call was not so good, no probs with the operator but the police took 5 hours to turn up by which time we had given up and gone to bed (they got here at 5am). When they did arrive they proceeded to wake us by tapping on the bedroom window and shining a flashlight into the room. Not impressed. :(

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It is 999 in another guise .To be used to alert police to something that is not an emergency or life threatening.


Its not really anything to do with 999.


Its a single non emergency number, and is being trialled in Sheffield.


The idea is that in the future the whole coutnry will use 999 for emergencies and incidents requiring a police presence, and 101 for oterh incidents, e.g. reporting damage, graffitti, pretty much anything where the offender isn't there.


Sooz22 - if you were wanting a rapid resonse then you should have called 999... however, had your call been urgent enough to require a rapis response then it should have been upgraded anyway.


As a side note, if you ever call and are waiting for an officer to call and you have to go to bed or go out or whatever, call back and let them know, then an officer won't waste their time going round when you are out, and you won't get woken up. You can arrange a suitable time e.g. the next morening, for someone to call.

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I've had problems with both 999 and 101 in the past. The 101 seems like a useful number, but I've used it a couple of times and got somebody on the phone who clearly doesn't know anything about the situation in hand. It was only a couple of weeks after it started up though, so I assume as they get more experience at how to do what it's improving. I've not used it that recently, but after my 'bad' experience I've been ringing the Sheffield Police number.

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I've had problems with both 999 and 101 in the past. The 101 seems like a useful number, but I've used it a couple of times and got somebody on the phone who clearly doesn't know anything about the situation in hand. It was only a couple of weeks after it started up though, so I assume as they get more experience at how to do what it's improving. I've not used it that recently, but after my 'bad' experience I've been ringing the Sheffield Police number.


I think you are probably right, in that it was new for everyone so I guess operators may have been as confused about it as the rest of us!


Essentially 101 is just a replacement for the police main number (0114 2202020), I believe someone said that you should be transferred to the same 101 operators or 999 operators depending on the nature of your call.


I suppose as long as yuou are calling thats the main thing. The point of the single number is that eventually you can be anywhere in the country and know what to call to report a minor incident, without having to look up the number for the local police. I think its a pretty good idea!

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