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The new 101 telephone service

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Well that'd explain why I got a bollocking the one time I did call 999 to report it - oh no, wait... :rolleyes:


Seems perfectly clear to me. If somone throws a petrol-bomb through your window and runs off, the crime will not be strictly 'in progress', therefore you dial 101. If, as a result, the house is on fire they may or may not inform the fire brigade, depending on their current priorities. :D

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I Third time I was calling about a burst water main & a flooded street. I initially got 'sorry it isn't our problem, you'll have to call the water board'. After a bit of arguing they agreed that they could file it as a 'community safety issue' & it was sorted out within an hour.


You rang 101 to report a burst water main???? And then you argued with them about it? No wonder they get hacked off with people.

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  • 3 months later...

I have once when I was threatened, to log the offence.


Before anyone says anything if they had been arrested it would have made a really bad situation worse for someone else.


I found them to be really helpful and understanding. :thumbsup:

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I've used it a couple of times.


Once because somebody was letting off fireworks nearby and scaring dog out of what few wits she has (it wasn't bonfire night!). I couldn't find anything on the net about the new rules they introduced about fireworks, which is why I called 101. Nice, helpful person explained that fireworks were OK any time of the year up until a certain time in the evening, which I can't remember.


Other time was when a neighbour's brats broke a window throwing stones from their garden, which they promptly denied. Mother said it must have been children belonging to another neighbour - until I pointed out that I'd actually seen her little cherubs throwing stones!


Anyway, I wanted a record of the incident, so called 101. They were very helpful, again. In fact, 2 policemen actually turned up, to my surprise! I think they were from the local community team.


I think it's a very good idea to have this number - not every incident is an emergency, but it can be a right pain trying to find a number for the local police station. In fact, I don't think you can any more, it's some sort of centralised switchboard system now.



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101 I think are great, I know it costs for the call but its to stop people ringing 999 to report minor incidents.


Its good knowing you have reported something & then there is a record if you need to refer back to it. I have always had a good service, infact at first they did a feedback survey to monitor their performance and I sang their praises. If need be they send the police and its not as scary as ringing 999.


Lets hope other areas benefit for it soon too :-)

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