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The new 101 telephone service

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I've used it three times now. Once when someone crashed a car into the front of someone's house on my street and legged it around midnight, once when three or four guys were directly outside my house trying to break into a car with some kind of wire (it turned out it was their own car, but it was late and I wasn't going to go out there and challenge them), and once when a car which had been left for several days in a nearby industrial car park had all its windows smashed (I assumed it was stolen).


There may have been another time but I can't remember it off hand. On the first two occasions the operator was helpful and the police came fairly quickly. On the third occasion the car was still there for another two or three days before it got moved.

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I've rung them about a car that looked as if it had been abandoned on the next street. I know they have to post notices so didn't expect it to be removed immediately, but it did go. The person on the phone couldn't have been any more helpful or pleasant. I see it as a positive move, if it stops people ringing 999 for anything that isn't a real emergency. A fixed cost of 10p surely isn't worth complaining about, is it? For anyone not familiar with the service, there's some info here: http://www.101.gov.uk/faqs/index.html

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Yes - you have to pay to report a crime.


It is an alternative number to calling the police on 220 2020 or the council on 273 4567, both of which you would pay for.


Would you use 999 to report that your car had been bumped in the night?

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