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Your Best Practical Jokes !!

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When I was younger and more daft! ( or as Delboy would say: Strupider ) I used to do all sorts of pranks. My favourite though was one I would always do at Meadowhall - in the Oasis.


I'd nip down there with my best mate when we were wagging school and after spending time & money in the arcade, would nip down and buy some food from McDonalds.


We noticed that there were quite alot of cleaners around always running around from table to table - so we decided to have some fun. After eating we'd get one of the napkins and write a little message on it, usually something like:


To the blonde cleaner, you are well fit, you have really nice eyes and an amazing body - what are you doing cleaning when you could be modelling, I may very well offer you a job the next time im in. anyway - till next time XX'


We would then leg it up the escalators to the top where the cinema entrance was and watch from over the balcony, once the note was found it would cause a right commotion between the cleaners and the ones with blonde hair would go all red or get really happy.


They'd always look around to see if the person was still there, you could see the others all laughing or holding their mouths waiting and watching for Mr millionaire to come back and offer them a job!!


Have you lot ever done anything that made you giggle at others? :P

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  • 4 months later...

I loved making prank phonecalls in the years before 1471 !!




Look up someone with the surname 'Whitehead'. Phone them.


You: Is that Mr Blackhead?


Them: No - this is Mr Whitehead.


You: Sorry. Wrong zit.



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The recruitment Agency I work for used to supply temporary staff and one day we had a call from Beagles About. We set up one of our temps to work in an opticians in meadowhall, she had to press a buzzer if shee needed any help handling a customer.


A 'customer' started to be awkward and so she pressed the buzzer...... the fire alarms went off and in rushed the fire brigade, headed up by Jerremy Beagle.


Poor lass!

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This wasnt mine so i cant take credit for it but a friend worked at a place where one of the work experience lads was sent to the bank with a closed envelope told by one of the guys to just hand it to the cashier and she would deal with it, it was supposedly a cheque so she would cash it.


In fact their was a note in the envelope that read "ive got a gun in my pocket, give me your money". Poor lad handed it over and the girl pressed the button behind the counter so all the shutters went up and the doors locked.


The company got fined for wasting police time, but imo it was well worth it!!

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Originally posted by Don_Kiddick

Recently met a respected & highly regarded gentleman & hid a pepperpot in his coat pocket while he was in the powder room :hihi:


:suspect: or was it Viking???


Thats just the schoolboy playground humour I would expect from you Mr Kiddick.
















But I've not stopped laughing yet :hihi::hihi:

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