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Your Best Practical Jokes !!

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when i was a teenager i had a babysitting job my friend always used to come with me and when the children had gone to bed we used to ring any old number and say...Hiya...guess who it is?...they would either say.."i dont know"...which i'd reply .."go on have a guess"...eventually they would say someone's name and i'd say.."yeah..how are you" and get a conversation going for aslong as i could. Ive arranged alsorts with people i know from being invited to tea to meeting them the following week. I'm not proud of myself now but were really funny at the time!

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  • 6 years later...

I'm going back some years.


I was in the old central deaf club on surrey street, chatting to a lass called Keeley when a hearing man interrupted and asked me how to sign the word "happy", instead I taught him the sign for "sex".

Keeley almost corrected it until I winked and told her to shush.


For years I'd laugh myself into a stitch watching him on the box clowning about with my practical joke still in play.



Sorry for dragging up old threads but I thought I'd come clean and get it off my chest, I've held it in for too long now.

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I used to work in an engineering company. The shop floor was full of lathes and power presses and all sorts. Two of the fellas who worked there used to open up in the morning at 6:00 am (depending who got there first). One always used to hide behind a machine and jump out and scare the other, as he had a bit of a nervous disposition.


One day, the prankster arrived early. Shortly followed by the other one, who as usual nervously approached machines and gingerly made his way to the locker room to get into his overalls. No sign of the prankster! Nowhere in sight.


Yep you probably guessed.....He was 'inside' the other guys locker. Imagine the shock!!!

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