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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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That isn't evidence.


Its extensive personal experience. This being a tinterweb forum and not a courtroom I don't have to produce video evidence of every incident.


As GW said however if you want first hand evidence then you are free to put one on (just the headpiece no need for the robes) and jump in the old jalopy and see (badly) for yourself. Or just use common sense and think will peering out through a tiny slit help or hinder your ability to drive safely?


Or you could just keep demanding irrefutable court standard proof, I don't really care, I clearly stated its my opinion based on my experiences and if you choose not to believe them thats your right.

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I think this garment is absolutely loathsome and it should be banned in this country. We have not got a government who has the guts to do it.


Your not allowed to go in public buildings wearing a crash helmet so these women who wear the burka should be treated the same way.

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