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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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That is a disgraceful attitude!! My mother used to get the roast on before she was allowed to go to the pub with me and my Dad and she did the puddings soon as she got back. In those days you could count the number of women in the pub on a Sunday lunch with your thumbs.



i know...bloke in the pub said you fancy buying this dishwasher....i said why is your lass for sale.....not bad for a fiver...and she takes the dogs out and empties the bins...:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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They will never ban burkahs in this country. Look at all the work Joanna Lumley put in so they were allowed. There would be an uproar.


Joanna Lumley, what did she do for the burqa wearers?


EDIT:- :hihi: Doh - fell for that one. Burqa - Gurkha :hihi:

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They will never ban burkahs in this country. Look at all the work Joanna Lumley put in so they were allowed. There would be an uproar.


:thumbsup: Well done that man.:hihi: and you spelt everthing right.

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Woman fined for wearing a burka in Italy. The husband says he will have to keep her indoors because he can't have other people looking at her. It is in the mail by the way .....


you failed to mention the muslim groups that have welcomed the decision

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How is France or Britain (as it's not clear which you mean) a 'Christian country'?


the traditional religion of this country and france is christian. apart from the minorities (muslim, jews, etc)

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the traditional religion of this country and france is christian. apart from the minorities (muslim, jews, etc)

apart from the VAST majority of people ARENT religious...........apart from when these type of threads appear

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They have?

said so in the paper i read it in earlier.......sun i think



says it on the bottom of your link too "Muslim groups in Italy insisted that Italian laws must be respected.


Imam Izzedin Elzir, president of the Islamic Community and Organisations Union in Italy, said: 'We are for the freedom of women and against veils of any kind and Italian laws must be respected.


'We as an organisation have always said that we are against face veils or coverings in Italy because the law of recognition has to be observed.'"

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