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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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TRANSPARENT BURKHAS! :idea: im going on Dragons Den, worth a punt!
I'm going to punt the "Burkaless camera" much like a speed camera but discriminates against asian women that do not cover up enough and issues on the red spot fines ;) ker tish !!! :D:D
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I'm kind of supporting the French decision to a degree the reason for this is i work in a government building and we get people coming in with hoods up and scarves around there faces and we ask them to remove them for security reason ie: CCTV operates within the building etc etc,now what gives us the right to ask people to remove there hoods etc when we let women with burkhas walk straight in unchallenged :loopy: this kind of attire is not a religious requirement as we are all fully aware ie: "The Imam of Al-Azhar university in Cairo, the highest authority in Sunni Islam, has just stated unequivocally that Muslim women have the right to their own identity and that the burka is not part of Muslim tradition."In this current climate of insecurity and radical threats of violence the burkhas should be outlawed in certain buildings were security of the general public is foremost i have no objections to those that choose to wear them in there everyday life while out shopping or general recreation but in certain situations we should without the fear of upsetting the politically correct brigade be able to ask such individuals to remove them.For to long now i think we as a nation have become to concerned with offending people with different religious beliefs.

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post 45 is way back i replied to post 94 as you can see thats the post i quoted


Oh sorry, I know how difficult it is to click your mouse button back a couple of pages :rolleyes:. If you could have been bothered to look at it you would have seen that I had already addressed previously the point that you raised.

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Naw, they are religious garments and not something to please him indoors ;)


and....? so is the burqa, in certain sectors of the Islamic culture...



what's the difference?


As I said, if the the ban in France is supposed to extend to all ostentatious religious show, why is it really only " burqa-centric"?


(Actually it's to please Him UPSTAIRS! ;)

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The very obvious and often ostentatious robes of nuns and priests aren't barred under these same laws!

we discussed this on the last ban the burka thread and you posted the same about nuns and priests robes then ,the answer then was the same as the answer now

their robes dont cover their faces

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we discussed this on the last ban the burka thread and you posted the same about nuns and priests robes then ,the answer then was the same as the answer now

their robes dont cover their faces


and the same arguments came out both ways then, too, depoix....


it' s not the face covering in the law in France, it's the ostentatious display, of which priests and nuns can be guilty.

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we discussed this on the last ban the burka thread and you posted the same about nuns and priests robes then ,the answer then was the same as the answer now

their robes dont cover their faces.


...And what is the relevance in ordinary, everyday life? Not at airports, just walking down the street?

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