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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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I don't believe it entirely reduces a woman to nothing, ruby [...]
We're going to go over the same old ground again, I can see :) We're just talking about face coverings here, nothing else, ok?


For a start no-one, not me anyway, has ever claimed that modest clothing such as the long coat (can't remember the name of it) or a hijaab, should be denied to women who want to cover up, and they could hardly claim to be half dressed in that gear. It's the sanctioned covering of the face and hands that I really object to. The people who wear them may imagine they aren't a non-person, but they are to others. I'd never dream of approaching or interacting with a person dressed in one, because it just screams "keep away". Also if we go along with that fashion, we're saying it's ok to be sexist, as you never see a man wearing one, do you? *unless he's trying to escape to Somalia having murdered a police officer* ;)


I've never seen a nun or a priest with their faces covered up. Or even wearing "ostentatious" robes outside of a church service. Most "public" nuns and clerics don't even wear habits or dog collars these days either, even enlosed orders have never covered their faces.


So I think most of your above comments and shaz's are irrelevant. Sorry.

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Oh sorry, I know how difficult it is to click your mouse button back a couple of pages :rolleyes:. If you could have been bothered to look at it you would have seen that I had already addressed previously the point that you raised.
maybe your sarcasm would be better served if you remembered that im not a mind reader ,how could i have possibly known you were refering to a post so far back ?


your post 94 is the one i replied and linked to , why be so sarcastic ?

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It is ? I thought it was just a garment made to be worn by women by men to subdue them and control them as tradition dictates and not the Koran.


Here's an idea; if you're so bothered about the oppression of women then why don't you go out to an islamic area of Sheffield and survey the women to find out the percentage of women being forced to wear the burkha and the percentage of women choosing to wear it for their own reasons. Otherwise it's just all conjecture.

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maybe your sarcasm would be better served if you remembered that im not a mind reader ,how could i have possibly known you were refering to a post so far back ?


your post 94 is the one i replied and linked to , why be so sarcastic ?


You don't have to be a mind reader. If you had just done what I suggested you would have understood perfectly, instead you posted the most lazy comment I've ever seen; hence the sarcasm.

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So what bit of the scenario of some woman, who has nothing whatsoever to do with you or your life, choosing to wear something that covers HER not actually having any effect on you or your life is out of folks' grasp?


What is it about a burqa that means we automatically have to dive for cover?


What threat exactly is it, to Joe or Josephine Public in Sheffield 4, if Mrs Khan in Sheffield 9 decides she wants to wear a burqa?


None at all:- no more threat than there would be to Mrs Khan in S9 if Josephine (or Joe for that matter) in S4 might choose to sunbathe on Scarborough beach, wearing a bikini.

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