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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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You don't have to be a mind reader. If you had just done what I suggested you would have understood perfectly, instead you posted the most lazy comment I've ever seen; hence the sarcasm.
did you actually post on post 94 see post 45 ...no you didnt so get of your high horse admit you made a mistake and call it a day
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Here's an idea; if you're so bothered about the oppression of women then why don't you go out to an islamic area of Sheffield and survey the women to find out the percentage of women being forced to wear the burkha and the percentage of women choosing to wear it for their own reasons. Otherwise it's just all conjecture.

Heres an idea how about I dont and dont get arrested for harrassment or have the brothers and husbands looking to do me in ?


How about if you dont like my oppinions you ignore them and dont let them get to you ?


Do you think that anyone forced by tradition and community is going to be honnest to a stranger and whisper 'Im forced into it, please get me out of it' and 'dont let the husband know that I have told you these words or my burka will be nessersary to cover the bruising'

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Heres an idea how about I dont and dont get arrested for harrassment or have the brothers and husbands looking to do me in ?


How about if you dont like my oppinions you ignore them and dont let them get to you ?


Do you think that anyone forced by tradition and community is going to be honnest to a stranger and whisper 'Im forced into it, please get me out of it', 'dont let the husband know that I have told you these words or my burka will be nessersary to cover the bruising'


See? Here you are, babbling and Gibbering, over a non-threat, again. Silly person.

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did you actually post on post 94 see post 45 ...no you didnt so get of your high horse admit you made a mistake and call it a day


I know that's the one you were referring to but my response in telling you to look back at what I wrote was because it had already addressed the new point you made asking me about specific situations. If you read post #45 you could see my views on that point which you raised. Clear enough?

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I've made the point before about fashions sexualising women, turning them into little more than a pair of bosoms and a backside, and forgetting the person behind the bosom.


I have stated before that I would far rather be valued, as a woman of intellect, and a caring, decent person, than for my looks, someone who is only a bosom, or a backside.


And can you not see that the burqa is precisely the same in reverse?


Anybody that is disturbed by the sexualisation of women because of what they wear has to logically be at least as disturbed by the burqa as the boob-tube.


If the boob-tube shouts "look at me, look at me", the burqa shouts "don't look at me, don't look at me". Worse still, not only does it sexualise the women that wears it, but it also sexualises the men that see it. It tells me that I cannot control my lust.



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What is it about a burqa that means we automatically have to dive for cover?
Because it's another woman and she's covering up her face as if she's been made to feel ashamed of being female ... and there's something instrinsically wrong with that. Personally I find them totally offputting and deeply disrespectful to everyone else, and a little scary. Clowns and people with big sunnies worry me too. I like to be able to see to whom I'm speaking.


Although I have to say the only woman I've seen in my area wearing a niqab is white and ginger, and when it's hot, she just flings it back over her head ... which I have to confess makes me giggle like a fool :D


Please don't ever take to wearing one, I beg of you.

Edited by rubydazzler
add niqab to pre-empt quibbling
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So what bit of the scenario of some woman, who has nothing whatsoever to do with you or your life, choosing to wear something that covers HER not actually having any effect on you or your life is out of folks' grasp?


What is it about a burqa that means we automatically have to dive for cover?


What threat exactly is it, to Joe or Josephine Public in Sheffield 4, if Mrs Khan in Sheffield 9 decides she wants to wear a burqa?


None at all:- no more threat than there would be to Mrs Khan in S9 if Josephine (or Joe for that matter) in S4 might choose to sunbathe on Scarborough beach, wearing a bikini.


Your posts are crazy,have you misplaced your tablets or something like that.:loopy:

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