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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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Do we have any Barristers that look in on SF ?? Seems to me that this is a storm in a rather small teacup.. The french have decreed that common law precedes religious law ? :huh:

So are we to be ruled by the law of the land or the law of the chosen religion ?

I give you " let burka / hijab / whatsitsab" wearers by their own accord wear them but if asked by a member of the civils ie; police, ambulance, fire, customs etc... that they remove the garment in a private place for a woman officer to confirm their identity.. no problem if they are not either acting suspect or are on the list of suspects eh ? BOOM.... :huh:

I get asked to remove my helmet on several occasions ... hey.. no problem.. even though it is full clear visor open faced.. ;)


One of the more sensible points rizrat. thank you!

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See? Here you are, babbling and Gibbering, over a non-threat, again. Silly person.


I have answered your question, lets see if you like it without all the babbling and gibbering and name calling yourself.


You just dont like legitimate arguments against it and will resort to anything, even winding people up so they bite and leave mods no option but to close the topic. your las line of defence, we have already had the ridicule of spelling from your good self earlier so I guess theres little gas left in the tank eh ?

Edited by hard2miss
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Do we have any Barristers that look in on SF ?? Seems to me that this is a storm in a rather small teacup.. The french have decreed that common law precedes religious law ? :huh:

So are we to be ruled by the law of the land or the law of the chosen religion ?

I give you " let burka / hijab / whatsitsab" wearers by their own accord wear them but if asked by a member of the civils ie; police, ambulance, fire, customs etc... that they remove the garment in a private place for a woman officer to confirm their identity.. no problem if they are not either acting suspect or are on the list of suspects eh ? BOOM.... :huh:

I get asked to remove my helmet on several occasions ... hey.. no problem.. even though it is full clear visor open faced.. ;)


Excellent, excellent point. Thank you. See, it's not that hard to think logically is it people. :P

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this looks like an interesting site

progressive scottish muslims...........and about 7 or so stories down theres an artical on his views of the burka and admittedly he goes opposite to my views on the burka and even supports sarkozy, fairy snuff

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I have answered your question, lets see if you like it without all the babbling and gibbering and name calling yourself.


You just dont like legitimate arguments against it and will resort to anything, even winding people up so they bite and leave mods no objection to close the topic. your las line of defence, we have already had the ridicule of spelling from your good self earlier so I guess theres little gas left in the tank eh ?


no gas? I don't think so.


The arguments anti- aren't decent arguments, they are just gibbering froth and foam. And anti-Islam froth and foam at that.


I dispute that I am guilty of causing the mods to close the threads, I'm just trying to debate why the ban on the burqa is ridiculous, and just exchanging one form of fascism and bullying for another.

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Surely with all the discussion there has been on this topic you can't honestly still be so ignorant.
Sadly, it would appear that I am. But surely, with all the discussion there's been on this topic over the years, how are you still so ignorant about opposing points of view? :)


I've been arguing my side, as a free liberated female for years now. Has this altered your blinkered opinion in any way at all? No? So why would you imagine your attempts to pull the veil over my eyes would alter mine?

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Sadly, it would appear that I am. But surely, with all the discussion there's been on this topic over the years, how are you still so ignorant about opposing points of view? :)


I've been arguing my side, as a free liberated female for years now. Has this altered your blinkered opinion in any way at all? No? So why would you imagine your attempts to pull the veil over my eyes would alter mine?


How am I attempting to 'pull the veil over your eyes'?


Where did I ever suggest the burkha was a good idea?


When did I tell you to start wearing it?


I don't think it's a great idea but my argument is that people should have the right to wear what they want (barring security checks etc.). As a 'free liberated female' surely you should abhor any restrictions being put on what women can (or in this case can't) wear!!

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Did you ask me a question? I thought you were ostentatiously avoiding answering my points? :)


It matters because people shouldn't cover their faces in public. Especially when it's a sexist imposition, and one imposed for no obvious reason. So, as I asked you before, would you wear one?


Two points in response to this.


Can it be a sexist imposition if a woman makes a free and self determined choice to make it?


Why does it matter whether the reason for wearing it is 'obvious' or not?

Surely if a person chooses to wear something for their own reasons thats their business not yours?

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no gas? I don't think so.


The arguments anti- aren't decent arguments, they are just gibbering froth and foam. And anti-Islam froth and foam at that.


I dispute that I am guilty of causing the mods to close the threads, I'm just trying to debate why the ban on the burqa is ridiculous, and just exchanging one form of fascism and bullying for another.

I wondered how long before we were going to see the 'anti islamic' blurt.


And while you seem to have had to resort to name calling, ridicule and totaly dismissing any argument put before you then yes 'run out of gas' sums it up.


And Im glad of the froidian slip where you admit its 'Bullying' ')

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I once read in a book, allbeit a fiction book, that one of the reasons women wore burkas is that as theres such a small area to see through, if the wearer wants to look at something she would have to turn her entire head in that direction, meaning that her husband can always tell what she is looking at. Does anyone know if theres any truth in this?

Edited by nikki-red
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