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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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No-one has to be allowed in a shop or bank with their face covered AFAIK.


But this is getting silly now, this is just going over the same old same old that we've been discussing for years. It's a waste of time anyway because if the Government of France have already done this, it won't be long before the rest of the EU follow suit? And it won't make an iota of difference what any of us think about it.


You seem to be veering away from the heart of the matter. Forget about banks, airports etc., why should you not be able to walk around the street in a burkha if you so wish?

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Well done France. The Burka is nothing more than a symbol of oppression to women and a barrier to integration. The Burka is also banned in some Muslim countries so why are we worried what Muslims think, it’s nothing to do with Islam. It is not a religious requirement but part of a cultural tradition that contradicts that of France, the UK and any other modern culture not hiding in the dark ages.

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I once read in a book, allbeit a fiction book, that one of the reasons women wore burkas is that as theres such a small area to see through, if the wearer wants to look at something she would have to turn her entire head in that direction, meaning that her husband can always tell what she is looking at. Does anyone know if theres any truth in this?


Without any evidance what so ever I would say it sounds right to me.

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Do you think the shopkeeper has a right to ask the person to show their face in his shop?


If they wish. As one poster has already said; that should be a matter between shopkeeper and burkha-wearer, not a decision imposed by the government.

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You seem to be veering away from the heart of the matter. Forget about banks, airports etc., why should you not be able to walk around the street in a burkha if you so wish?


So you'd be for removing it before entering a shop or bank for instance?

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That you are an irrepressible troll.


That's the second reasonable question that has been directed at you that you have responded to with insulting behavior. Isn't yours a peaceful religion?


Does your view of being allowed to wear what you want, when and where you want not conflict with the views of Muslim husbands?

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can it be a sexist imposition if a woman makes a free and self determined choice to make it?


Why does it matter whether the reason for wearing it is 'obvious' or not?

Surely if a person chooses to wear something for their own reasons thats their business not yours?

yes ...


No ...

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....... the ban on the burqa .......


Just to remind you all, while you draw breath .....


There is no ban on burqas.


There is no proposal in the suggested legislation to ban burqas.

The suggested legislation may render the wearing of a burqa illegal, but that would only be because of its nature and not by its name.

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