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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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No I don't think so. I don't think anyone should be forced to do anything. If you're doing something, like dressing modestly, just for someone else and you don't agree with it of think it's not right then that's the wrong reason to do it.


Do ALL Muslim men want their wives covered? Or is it denoted by country? Religious definition or something else?


I ask because when in, say Turkey for example, you never hardy see a woman covered. Is this because they are more ralaxed with the traditions? I'm including rural Turkey here too.


I always wondered!

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Explain how exactly if a woman chooses of her own free will to wear a burqa, for her own reasons that this a sexist imposition?


If you acknowledge that another woman choosing to wear what she wants for a reason that you might not understand is none of your business, then why were pleading with PT never to wear one?

sorry, Halibut, I just can't be bothered entering into this debate with you. You misunderstood my answer anyway.


And I wasn't pleading with PT ... just making a point :)

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Do ALL Muslim men want their wives covered? Or is it denoted by country? Religious definition or something else?


I ask because when in, say Turkey for example, you never hardy see a woman covered. Is this because they are more ralaxed with the traditions? I'm including rural Turkey here too.


I always wondered!


It depends if you're serious about your religion or not. A lot of people who were raised in a muslim family are technically muslim (or claim to be) but they're not practicing and don't really take it seriously.

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Does it HAVE to be my business to ask for information of this nature?


Don't Muslim men want their wives covered?


I see dozens of married Muslim women a week in and around my workplace and none of them cover their faces. Around half maybe cover their hair.


Some Muslim men might want their wives to 'cover up' as you so ambiguously put it, but by no means all.

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But what does that have to do with you? Like I said before; if everything that someone in the world didn't like was made illegal, everything would be illegal.


So you think that I should be free to walk around with a white head to toe covering on and KKK written on my back?

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It depends if you're serious about your religion or not. A lot of people who were raised in a muslim family are technically muslim (or claim to be) but they're not practicing and don't really take it seriously.


Gotcha. Cheers.

So it's more of a depth of religious belief.



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Do ALL Muslim men want their wives covered? Or is it denoted by country? Religious definition or something else?


I ask because when in, say Turkey for example, you never hardy see a woman covered. Is this because they are more ralaxed with the traditions? I'm including rural Turkey here too.


I always wondered!


Fairly obviously not.

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sorry, Halibut, I just can't be bothered entering into this debate with you. You misunderstood my answer anyway.


And I wasn't pleading with PT ... just making a point :)


Or to put it another way, you feel a bit silly having directly contradicted yourself so you're taking your ball home. Ok.

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yes ...


No ...


I don't see how a personal decision can be an imposition?


Do you also think people wearing gorilla costumes, motorcycle helmets or balaclavas should be banned and fined because they are indulging in full face coverings?


Or do you think Veils worn a Christian marriage ceremonies should be subject to a ban because they have the same sexist roots* claimed for the Niqab or Burqa?


Nb I don't think the roots of the veil are sexist, rather that they come from a meditative tradition, shared in one form or another by all religions and some non-religious ones where the person goes through a process of negation of self to achieve understanding and spiritual enlightenment.

Edited by Wildcat
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I see dozens of married Muslim women a week in and around my workplace and none of them cover their faces. Around half maybe cover their hair.


Good for you mate.


Some Muslim men might want their wives to 'cover up' as you so ambiguously put it, but by no means all.


Well I'm glad ascertained what I meant from my ambiguity.


Reason already answered by Shaz.

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