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Women who wear burkhas in public in France will be fined

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Well done France. The Burka is nothing more than a symbol of oppression to women and a barrier to integration. The Burka is also banned in some Muslim countries so why are we worried what Muslims think, it’s nothing to do with Islam. It is not a religious requirement but part of a cultural tradition that contradicts that of France, the UK and any other modern culture not hiding in the dark ages.


I note that in Egypt they upheld the niqab/burqa ban only last week:


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Whether people like it or not full facial coverings will be banned in England before the end of the decade. It is a security issue which transcends personal "freedom".


It is no more a security issue than any other face covering.

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No-one has to be allowed in a shop or bank with their face covered AFAIK.


But this is getting silly now, this is just going over the same old same old that we've been discussing for years. It's a waste of time anyway because if the Government of France have already done this, it won't be long before the rest of the EU follow suit? And it won't make an iota of difference what any of us think about it.


The Government of France are liable to lose a case based on the ban in European Court of human rights so I doubt very much their ban will last for very long.

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Is all you can do just gobbing off smart mouth comments.


I asked a perfectly reasonable question and got a perfectly reasonable answer from the person I asked. But you just can't help sticking your face in to every single thread and to every single poster like a smacked kid kicking the desk legs.


If the answer to my question was that obvious, I would have asked it.

Why the hell people, especially those who run this place put up with jerks like you is beyond me.


And judging by the day I had to empty my inbox from people also sick to death of you, I'm not the first person you act like a clown with.


Get a life fella.


I think you meant to say 'If the answer was that obvious I wouldn't have asked it'. Sorry, but I thought the answer to your question was obvious.

Act the clown with you? I think not. Which one of us that suggested meeting up for a fight? Not me.

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